Dragon Meds Duurty Magic Grow - Indoor/Outdoor + Indoor


Just Say No... well ok then if I must
May 31, 2015
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
. . . I'm on rations of Forum Stomper till next harvest.

I got three Duurty Magic girls as part of the AFN pumpkin contest (tyvm), and am planning on growing them on this year.

The plans are to start 2 of them under CFL before transplanting to an outdoor site(s). The largest of the beans (they are all quite small) I will keep till later in the year and try as an indoor grow (CFL).

You can follow the indoor/outdoor transplants here,

I'll start a separate thread for the indoors only whenever that occurs.
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Have I got a bonsai Dragon?

Duurty Magic (Duurty Dragon x Magic Dragon)

At day 20 she's so small I'm begining to think I've got a bonsai pheno or it's just being plain lazy.

History : Started from very small seeds (the first of which cracked but failed to break soil) this girl took three days to crack and produce a tail, and a phenomenal 11 days to break soil and gasp for air even though she was shallow planted. She's had the same soil mix as all my other strains this year (Plagron Batmix) and the same 20/4 2x300W Mars Hydro lighting schedule. So in other words everything that all my others have had - but she's soooo small I ended up calling her 'Little Puff'.

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[The pic at the start is the DM compared to some other beans].

At Day 20 she's just poking her head above the rim of the starter pot while all her cousins had migrated from the starter cabinet into the coldframe by this age, and were all considerably larger.

I know that that from reading here that the Dragons aren't a particularly large strain but I get the feeling that this one is a gonna be a dwarf.

Anyone had this experience with Duurty Magic or in the parentage?

I'm not going to give up on her and potted her up into a 1Gal (imperial) tall thin pot so that she won't get drowned out in my grow cabinet, she may even go outside if she's feeling brave later in the season :D
Interestingly there's a very healthy and vigorous root system going on (probably more down below than up above ha ha).
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Oh well... no comments... she carries on in the cabinet under LEDs was taken out for some update photo's. Now stretching and flowering but still only a fistful of a plant even if perfectly formed. Will be keeping a close eye on her in case she hermies tho as it looks like the ruderalis be strong in this dragon. Somebody please reassure me if this is normal lol, tho I'm quite happy growing the unknown if need be.

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The cat is a normal domestic (a bit fat) to give an element of scale lol.
Cute cat, might take a nip to get stoned LOL. I haven't grown any dragons yet but have some in the bank. You can check out Autoflower Portal to see other grows.
Oh well... no comments... she carries on in the cabinet under LEDs was taken out for some update photo's. Now stretching and flowering but still only a fistful of a plant even if perfectly formed. Will be keeping a close eye on her in case she hermies tho as it looks like the ruderalis be strong in this dragon. Somebody please reassure me if this is normal lol, tho I'm quite happy growing the unknown if need be.

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The cat is a normal domestic (a bit fat) to give an element of scale lol.
Hey spliff,I remember you winning those..I can tell ya from my grow that the short pheno is as common as the large pheno,I had three finish, a small,medium and a large one,,All the phenos are strong and potent and are a favorite for me and all my friends,peace
Thanks for the reassurances (phew) - thought I was going mad watching her grow. Well into stretch now but still under 8" tall. The cabinet is getting full so she's joined my outdoor grow. I gave her a bit of LST bondage on the way out - just to open up the sides and she loved it.

@Magic not sure what a GA sross is - can you explain - sorry it's my first Dragon grow and there appear to be so many crosses created within the community.

From a growers point of view that small pheno would be awesome to isolate and lock in - it would be a micro growers wet dream. I'll need to find her a transplant site where she won't disappear into the undergrowth though lol

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