Dragon Meds Duurty dragons and stone dragons

Haha I'm trying to decide between the purple balls male and the other male .[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] was a faster growing and bigger plant. [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] gots the purple balls but is smaller in stature but that could be due to a mistake so it might be decided by a coin flip
Cool man I'll be here watching. I gave a buddy some freebie portal regs and he just got a male. I think I convinced him to keep it and harvest the pollen.

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A little group shot. Should i separate the boys and girl plant?
I'm getting a sour floral smell from number [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] and
leaves are like tripping me out the open up and like it out of my vocabulary to explain it
I fed some Epsom's salt and also I had baked egg shells grinded it ND top dress all the soil in these plants
Also I tied down two of the ladies and I tied the boy down cuz I think it needs it he's looking kinda puny
Update . lookin kinda yellow but it should fine. male got trimmed up to try and direct its energy towards the bigger stuff. Also [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] had some lower nodes trimmed to see if yield is heavier than [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] which wont be trimmed