Dragon Meds Duurty dragons and stone dragons

Update time!!!!!!
I transplant the rest of the stone dragons, 1-10# 4 seeds of the stone dragons didn't germ so I threw them in extra pot #2-#5 have rocks in bottom of cup to see if they do better or worse than no rocks in the cups also I labeled them .
Duurty update!
The duurtys, 1 has a little tail the other 9 still chillin I'm transplants these tomorrow.

Cheers have great day everyone and stay medicated
I'm hoping for at least one purple girl and a purple male from the stones for breeding. Let's see how it goes I'm guessing like 2 weeks from when they pip out till they show sex?
Update time!!
Stone dragons [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG],2,3,4,5 have all popped and are about 3 inches above soil and [HASHTAG]#8[/HASHTAG],9 are still underground. [HASHTAG]#6[/HASHTAG],7 and 10 have perished . 3 and 5 have a purple tint on the leaves so hope that's good sign..
Also the duurty dragons where throw away on accident by my uncle. So I started germination a couple more. Cheers everyone
UPDATE time . 5 stone dragons are alive and well I will post up pics Sunday .
I have one weird stone dragon I call it my clover dragon because once it first popped out instead of two starter leaves it had 3 like a clove kinda hence the name .
Also 4 of duurty dragons are above ground and more perhaos by Sunday
Here's a little portrait of the stones dragons together and the duurtys in front row the ones above ground are stone #1-5 dragon. The ones stillbin dirt is duurty