Photography Duurty Dragon harvested at 72 days

Cheers, komach! :smokebuds:

Your avatar kills me bro!! :roflcry: My first ever stuffed animal was a Snuggle bear - I always knew he was holding out on me.
Your sig kills me. That dragon was outta sight too. Seen the hobbit yet? :smokebuds:
Cheers grado :smokebuds: Haven't seen it yet - was planning on waiting until after the holidays, but I'm not sure I can stand the wait too much longer. :D
Maybe I missed it somewhere, I dunno. :shrug: But what was the yield on this Durty, Kindred?
Congrats on 2100 posts too. :)

edit: 3/4 of a zip (beat you to it!)
kindred if his avatar gives you a chuckle watch the movie Ted
i wanta try that strain Ted said his guy had called this is permanent :crying: