Dutch Passion dutch passions latest auto(Blue Auto Mazar)

It's not a party until something get spilled or broken!!! Saw a think different do that on another thread on the web. Damn!!! Break out the zip ties!!! Awesome....JUST AWESOME!!!!
Just flipped through this whole thread :D NICE! Girls Look Amazing ! Love the sisters with totally different personalities! I can't wait to find out what this is ! I am trying to decide what to order next and how much cause If these don't make it in time for me I will need to leave some space I am thinking... GReat Job as Always!:bow:
Shit, I gotta start reading on DWC. That growth is simply ahhhhhmazing.
Holy mother of jesus....Man:yoinks:
I need to go DWC, currently NFT but I want a more oxygenated tank and ways to get it to the roots! Great work here seymour, I know this has probably been asked before, but not in this thread but what LED panel are you using? I want to make the change over to LED in my growdrobe but struggling to find a half decent 3w chipset for a fair price in the UK or abroad! :).
Damm! never seen that before
was doing a fresh res change on 1 of the plants and noticed her roots are bulging that much she has split her net basket


the root growth is ominously insane
Sorry but I have to give you a hard time on this one :cough: When are you gonna tell us what this is Tony? I think I speak for all of us DP lovers when I say the suspense is killing me! :D HAha Thanks for all the great work Tony and Seymour great Genes and Great Grows !!!
Gotts ta love a great DWC grow, Esp with great genetics. these girls are blowing up, literally!!!!! Trying to keep up with ya SB, when are you going to give these ladies the PK boost??