Dutch Passion Dutch Passion Think Different & CrazyLeds Holographic Series 1

Another grower about to run afoul of the excessive botanism regulations ..... I can hear the forum enforcers licking their lips as they are refilling the deep fryer!

Can't wait to see how much mayhem will follow.....

Everything looks fine and green, stretch has begun, so I will remove LST wires this afternoon and feed them with 1,6 ml Sensi Grow A+B (1,6 each) and 0,4 ml calmag per litre.

Tap water with nutrients has ph @6,8, demineralized one @5,6. Quite a big difference, but I do not see any difference between pairs that use one or another. So far of course, maybe there will be some in the future.

Day 29


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Some seriously good growing on display here bro I can see you running out of room because you will have some monsters on your hands soon.
That's a lot of growth in 3 days!
That's a lot of growth in 3 days!