Dutch Passion Dutch Passion AutoXtreme : by KO in DWC under FERO LED's

crazy 2 week growth!!


look at that mess -- might want to comb it once in a while. :D
Every time in the middle of the grow I start to think how good should my next grow be :D , but every time I have some new issues. Still looking further for my next grows.
Feel free to comb me, and don't forget that I'll catch you :rofl:
You still need to keep an eye though blood... The pH does move with the pH perfect line... But not very much... I rarely have to do anything with it... So it's pretty cool.

You still need to keep an eye though blood... The pH does move with the pH perfect line... But not very much... I rarely have to do anything with it... So it's pretty cool.
Dear ko,
Please, find below the answers from your scientist:
“I have a question for you, would your ph perfect formula work with RO water? I really would like to use your nutrients line if it does what it should do”
-- Answer: pH Perfect works best with RO water.
“And would I be able to use http://www.advancednutrients.com/hydroponics/calc/ without any issues or for RO water there are some other measurements needed?”
--Answer: You can use the calculator without measurements. However, don't throw out your pH- and EC-meter :-) They can show you if something wrong is happening with your RO system (we had such an accident in the research greenhouse). Moreover, measure from time to time the EC of your solution. Depending on the variety you grow, EC should be between 1800 and 3000 uS/cm. If EC is going too much up, add a little more water. And vice versa. Unfortunately, best results can be obtained only after some experiments with EVERY variety you grow. This applies to all base nutrients on the market, not only pHP. Different varieties have different preferences to EC, however, they grow best within the same pH range we guarantee
++ Feel free to share your experience with pHP. The System was tested by many growers but every specific case is important to us.

Yeah kush they explained me :D. For the moment there is WTF happening with nutrients. Made a res yesterday (to tap up) = PH 5.8. Today morning it was 4 oO, I'm so sick and tired of this ph issues. But in the mean time in buckets with girls ph is climbing by 0.2 in 10 h ....
Will make my order today, as to be chained to the res is annoying.

Looking great Ko, and don't worry they are going to get alot bigger!!! They don't call it auto extreme for nothing!!!
Let your words be truth!
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Don't know why I can't post this video like it should, NVM.
Video from cannabis expo in Spain, is Marry J legal there?
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Girls are doing fine and the bigger one started to produce some "snow" :). Waiting for ADN phP to arrive, finely will brake the chain I'm fixed to the bucked.
Happy growing everybody!
BTW : ViracochaDWC do you know what rep slap mean? :D