Dutch Passion Dutch Passion AutoDurban Poison biobizz grow

Week 5 - Day 34




Height 63cm
Distance from Light = 25cm

Raised light slightly.
Stopped feeding Root Juice now.
Switching to Bloom schedule. Was still growing but switched early as at moment good height in tent. Plant still pale. Now on bloom schedule will increase dose of heaven over next few weeks. Some of the leaf tips look white (new growth) and still got alot of purple stems although this is on the older growth. Have stopped spraying with epsom salts but still adding to nutrient schedule.

Have been advised to increase the grow as plant pale. Now that I am feeding roughly the same nutrients from now on I will be able to tweak abit and hopefully see the results.

Mixed nutrient solution 3 litres with 5ml epsom salts.

Nutrients used

1ml/litre Heaven, 4ml/litre Alg a Mic, 0 Root, 0.5ml/litre Grow, 0.5ml/litre Fish Mix, 4ml/litre Bloom, 4ml/litre Top max.

Solution Ph = 6.5
Run Off Ph = 6.5

Only using liquid ph test but both run off and solution read about 6.5ph. Still not sure if my run off values are accurate due to the air pots.
Week 6 - Day 38




Plant Height - 70cm
Distance top plant to light = 19cm

Used exactly same schedule as in last post.

Nutrient ph=6.5
Run off ph=6.5
Hi wienerwoods. Thanks for taking time to have a look. You could be right about over watering. Problem is at the moment am watering about every four days. Can only open the tent in morning so have worried about it drying out too much before the next day. Temps have been hot but are now better av 27deg c lights on and 20deg c lights off. Also had a problem with pH and think needed Epsom salts. As I am using biobizz I have to use the grow throughout along with bloom (when it starts flowering). I normally continue with the dose I used in my last post untill growth stops. I am a bit worried about it growing too tall for my tent so I might have to raise the bloom early to stop growth. The main aim of this grow is to try and sort out why after about four weeks my plants went bad. With the help on here I think I have it sorted now and have another plants a few weeks behind which I am using my new knowledge on. Just remembered got 6 litre air pots. When i water I mix 3 litres of solution and water my plant over a bowl. I get about litre of run off which I throw away. Thanks for your advice. I appreciate all input.
I have twenty liter airpots and never give more than two litres at 18 days old today I get very little runoff and are dried out in two days. maybe for the heck of it throw some cal mag at them any thoughts from other growers
20 litre.... Your plants must be massive. Do you think I would be better watering say 2 litres instead of the three? I must admit. I would prefer to water more frequently. Do you always water until you get run off?
Hi fairlynew. Thanks for the input. Am adding Epsom salts at 5ml per 3 litres. I think the fish mix has calcium in it but I could be wrong.
From what i have been reading if we push them to there max with nutes they grow so fast especially with led that you use alot more cal mag. That is why Adavnced nutrients just came out with this calmagxtra for people using other base nutes then there own so it makes sence in a way they might lack from C.M too other than just a ph problem but do not go on what I say alone I am still learning too and do not want to pass wrong info. That being said though yellow leaf is also a sign of cal mag deficiency
Think will up the Epsom salts with the next watering.............
Hi everyone. Going to water later on today. Had a quick look at my plant before lights went out. Bottom leaves are dropping off. Some crispy brown. Others just pale. On the whole the plant is still very pale all over. Bud sites are better but still pale. Will post pics later after water. Was thinking off upping epsom salts or maybe grow. Any advice before I water?
Week 7 - Day 45

plant stilln pale. leaves yellowing and falling off. top of plant getting browm spots.


