A few pics of the new arrivals...The Dragon Guard, Red SD No.2, Black SD No.4...:smokebuds:
070413 001.jpg 070413 002.jpg

070413 003.jpg 070413 004.jpg

070413 005.jpg 070413 006.jpg

070413 007.jpg
Ohh man that is sooo coool. Cool Dragon, I want one!!! :hug:
Great for lighting doobies at that age as well !.
Sleep easy Duggy.With that dude on point ,know one is messin' with your tent :nightdrag:
one of the ( Black ) Stone Dragons had also broken the surface

Cheers mate :wiz:
Welcome to LED family :clap:
Another LED Dragon adventure :dance:

I have 5 black babies about a week old too :D

i got 2 stone dragon.
gem them on the 1/03/13, put them in rock-wool 4 days ago.

got one blue cheese.


one diesel, all gem at same time.

