New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

I think you're becoming the local expert on the Critical Neville's bro. Lol. Haven't seen any grows of it here yet.

Looks great, man, both plants. :cool1: :meds:

I'll definitely nom one of those next month, you've earned it. :cheers:
You don't know how much that means to me mediscrogs, i really appreciate it!

I thought it is a strain thats been around. Its a smaller plant, may make it less popular. My friend absolutely love the couple sample hits he got today. It was like he gad won the lottery. The sticky citrus smell was amazing!
It was pretty strong too, hes got a high tolerance, to say the least. If we can fight off the caterpillars and bugs im happy. How soon before harvest should I stop spraying with neem oil?
Sooner the better I guess, it's not a great tasting thing. For caterpillar this year, I used Bt-i, bacteria thuringiensis israeliensis. It's a bacteria that messes with them, will make them stop eating immediately and kills them in a few days. Just sprayed it on once and did the trick. Maybe less residue than neem, you might find some for next time. What other bugs you got there that you're fending off?