New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

I'm itching to try some Mephisto genetics after I work through what I have already. Hear nothing but great things...
Nice! We may be growing them at the same time soon. Ive got enough to last a while but with all good that is said about mephisto we had to get some.
Your in the right place now! A Train and many other here will guide you, and all will support you!
I have to post about how i got here. It started with a twitter feed from a prominent smokers magazine and that led me to a different forum than this one. I lurked, read alot of journals, and got ideas. What impressed me was one persons, among several, willingness to help others. Everyone wanted to copy his style and grows.

Then he kinda vanished until a few others said, he is just gone from here (there). Well, since his wisdom was the best in my opinion, i found AFN and the person that was always helpful.

That helpful individual is Atrain and im thankful for the guidance and inspiration that was shared. It motivated us enough to invest enough to try for ourselves. Thank you!
Time for a late update. The girls were fed yesterday. 2.5ml bloom a & b, 1ml take root and multi total, 1 ml explode, 1ml calmag and silica. Ph at 6. They are drinking like crazy!

I didn't get any photos of them. Sorry for the lack of bud porn. Should get them tomorrow or Tuesday
Ok, the girls are hungry! Getting water in between feeds so we are learning on the fly. Fed 3 ltrs water between them with Dutchpro nutrients. 9 ml bloom a &b, 3 ml take root, 3 ml multi total, 2.5 ml calmag, 1.67 ml silica, 3 ml explode. Finally fattening up these lil girls buds!

They seem to be drinking a ltr a day easily.

Photos later once i get to the wifi.
Im sure i wont win photography awards but we are proud of making it this far. Wouldn't even be this far without all the great people here!
I think we are at day 57 on one and 52 on the other.