New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

Sorry guys, i had sampled the fairy frost when i posted. She was less that the FF!
Wet was 205, all stems gone. Im not happy, my goal is 2 oz a plant. I dont use bottled nutes and still trying to get a grasp of organic. But it should be good smoke, butter or an eth extract!

Thank you for keeping me in line.

Heres my solo cup girl, topped, 14 days

@Dudeski 205g wet, no lumber...thats pretty close to your 2oz goal. I know the feeling, all to well, of being disappointed over expectations. I am my worst critic.

It appears you are making up for it, with some super dankolish buds.

Thanks Yeatster, i owe it to you and everyone else here! My humidity is so high i chopped them all down to pretty small nugs to minimize the chance of mold. Organic doesn't push them hard so i have to learn how to supplement extra food. It can be done
Thanks Yeatster, i owe it to you and everyone else here! My humidity is so high i chopped them all down to pretty small nugs to minimize the chance of mold. Organic doesn't push them hard so i have to learn how to supplement extra food. It can be done
Kewl kewl. Out of curiosity, what's your humidity like...and what's your preferred drying method?
Kewl kewl. Out of curiosity, what's your humidity like...and what's your preferred drying method?

Humidity was almost 60 at chop, a little higher until I turned the fan up! I just use paper bags, a bunch since i put a small amount in each. Wasnt ready for jars after 5 days. Hopefully today or tomorrow but it was really wet when chopped.