New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

Day 70/65 update. Both got plain water and were thirsty. Our eldest is mainly cloudy, some clear and amber. Cut 2 colas and got 50g wet. We were surprised! The reason for the cut was to have a staggering harvest, to see the difference. Also, we are going out of town Saturday and have no one to water. Sux.
Will finish the chop on her, not sure what to do with the youngest. Going to be gone 5 days.
Oh wow. 50g wet is amazing. I bet your friend got excited about that right? I wish for the best of your young plants. Can you set up a drip irrigation system and put it on a timer?
Thanks af mini! Yes we were both very happy. It was twice what i thought it would be. We dont have any way to setup a drip system. The youngest we may just chop the main colas since she is getting close and leave the little stuff. Otherwise we water her and fill up the tray that she is sitting in. I don't know if it would hurt the roots. She will have to go 4 and one half days.
I wish i could come up with a wick type system. I just have no idea. Your buckets would be perfect, but im not using them. Yet anyway!
Hey @Dudeski . You watering everyday right now? 5 days is a long time to go without attention. Hmmm. Bummer man. I'm starting to think I cannot drop more beans cause the boss lady wants to do a trip at the end of July. I may figure out a drip system.

Great growing bud!!!! :slap:
Yes, every day. Its time like this that makes the autopots look like the way to go. The youngest will be 70 days, may take part of it and see what happens to the rest. I wonder what filling the pans with water would do to the roots?
Yes, every day. Its time like this that makes the autopots look like the way to go. The youngest will be 70 days, may take part of it and see what happens to the rest. I wonder what filling the pans with water would do to the roots?

Yeah, those autopots do look promising!! Sounds like a good idea to take part of the plant. At least get some bud if she does not pull through the 5 days. Filling the pan once probably will not hurt. If I had a coco hempy in veg I think I could get away with 5 days but they are considered hydro nutes.