New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

I have a soil question @Ripper regarding kind soil and the soil to mix with it. I have some biobizz light mix left but bought a bag of greenlite by roots for my next soil. I got it before learning about the kind soil. Will the greenlite be too hot to use with the kind? It does have guano in it.
I think it might be to hot bud
Would i be able to mix the greenlite and biobizz together on top of the kind, or just use the biobizz
Would i be able to mix the greenlite and biobizz together on top of the kind, or just use the biobizz
I do not know much about the greenlite I would go to the kind soil introduction thread and ask kind soil... I would like a definitive answer..
I will do that. Someone here was using the greenlite and i thought it sounded good because it had coco in it. Since im still new i know that I should not be experimenting too much!
Tonite we went ahead and made up 2 more, 3 gallon soft pots. Split a 5 lb bag of @Kindsoil between them and the rest was biobizz light mix. Mixed the two in the middle and all light mix on top. It was all the soil we had and could use. Poured 3 cups water on each, slowly and will let them sit a few days. Gonna make everyone wait on our choice of beans!
@Ripper , my prep ok?
Tonite we went ahead and made up 2 more, 3 gallon soft pots. Split a 5 lb bag of @Kindsoil between them and the rest was biobizz light mix. Mixed the two in the middle and all light mix on top. It was all the soil we had and could use. Poured 3 cups water on each, slowly and will let them sit a few days. Gonna make everyone wait on our choice of beans!
@Ripper , my prep ok?
Sounds great bud.. Hope it is an easy high yielding grow with potent buds
Doing my Friday update on Saturday, happens when the room gets cloudy...
Mixed up 3 ltr water with 9 ml dutchpro bloom a & b, 2.5 ml calmag, 1.67 ml silica, 2.5 ml multi total, and 4.5 ml explode. It is day 67 for the eldest and trichs are mixed with some amber so i am easing off nutes. She got 2 cups of food mixed with one water. Slowing down drinking. Oddly enough the lil one whose colas are getting bigger was still damp. Dammit, got a ltr of feed made up! Fed 2 cups and put the rest up bubbling. I have no idea how long it can sit mixe, any advice?
Also, no pics. Had to chose between camera or pipe, camera didn't have a chance. ..