New Grower Duckster's First Adventure


Still Just a Rat in a Cage
Sep 26, 2014
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Everything that i grow
Hello AFN

I’ve been a member here for about 4 months. I’ve been trying to learn, checking out journals and all of the other helpful threads, feeling the wonderful vibe. And I’ve even made a few friends along the way. But I’ve fooled around long enough! Time to get started.

I am going to start with 1White LSD Auto and 1 White Widow Max Auto. I am using two tiers.

Lower tier – 5gal airpots
3 parts FF Happy Frog
2 parts FF Ocean Forest
2 parts chunky perlite
2 Tbs. garden lime

Upper tier – 24oz solo cups
2 parts FF Light Warrior
1 part lower tier blend

The space – two chambers

Lower (seedling/cloning)camber
23” x 35” x 15”
(2) 24 Watt T5HO Grow Lights(with vegetative bulbs)

Upper (grow) chamber
23” x 35” x 59”
480 Watt, Switchable, 11-Way,5w Diode Duo-Drive LED Light
42 Watt LED side Lighting
CO2 Boost System

GH CaliMagic
AN Voodoo Juice
AN pH perfect Grow
AN pH perfect Micro
AN pH perfect Bloom
AN Big Bud
AN B-52
AN Overdrive

Other bits of kit
HM PH-200 pH meter w/ 4 &7 buffers
CWP Accurate 8 soil pH meter
HM TDS meter
Rapid tests for N, P, & K

Digital Microscope
The soils have been wateredinto the pots with ph'ed water with voodoo juice and a bit of cal mag. The beanswent into shot glasses. After twelve hours both had sunk and they are nowresting in damp paper towels in a warm place.
And now we wait.

Welcome one and all. Feel free to comment, offer advice, or just slap mewhen I’m feckin up. This is going to be fun (I hope) :grin:

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OK trying to figure out haw to put a link to this in my signature. I'm clueless so far.
You got a nice setup bro! Can't help you with the link problem, forums own me!
Hey Duckster. Nice sounding set up you have there. :Sharing One:

I have used an almost identical nute lineup for a couple of years and had really good results (I just switched from the 3 part grow, micro & bloom to sensi grow & bloom). Just use a light hand when you introduce the nutes and build them up. Also I would suggest adding in something like molasses or carboload - the bennies in your soil will love you for it, and so will your plants!

Anyway, I´ve got me a front row seat and I´m gonna enjoy watching them grow! :goodluck:
Brother Duckster! I'm all in for the adventure! Enjoy the journey :):Sharing One:
Hey Aperson and Alwaysautos - thanks for stopping by. Yeh, go lite on the nutes is the general consensus and I have tried to drive this thought into my brain. Hopefully OCD tendencies will not take over and overpower all logical thought lol
alright Duckster! look's like you did your homework. sweet sounding far as the sig link, find the link you want and copy it, then go to the setting's page; edit signature and paste the link. over simplified but I hope it help's
What's up duckster my brother...sounds like you got the makings for a kick ass grow! I'm Def along for this ride..gotts my vape..some herb and bho ..bag of chips or 2..and I'm front row center! Passing along all the good vibes and bud luck I gotts in me bro.
Give 'er hell! BTW. .where's the pics? Lol
Brother Duckster! I'm all in for the adventure! Enjoy the journey :):Sharing One:

Ah Wax welcome to my humble abode. Note the change in the lower tier blend. Thanks again for that one! Will post pics once there is something worthy of taking pictures of and I figure out how to do it. Steep learning curve for an old dog but I'll get by with a little help from my friends. lol And further down the road I'll get high with a little from my friends! lolol

Oldest granddaughter announced that she is coming to dinner with her boyfriend and their little boy. Little boy he sez - doesn't make you a ........ yes it's true - I'm a Great grandpa! Coarse I've always been GREAT - a legend in my own mind. lmao. Damn I crack myself up. Jeeze maybe a little too much jet fuel this morning. Guess I'm off to find some food to cook.