New Grower Drying Buds without Cutting leaves or manicuring???

Feb 4, 2015
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Hello AFN

I really wonder if dying my buds without trimming anything and thus slow the speed of drying will it help taste as it is said in many you tube videos? I heard that trimming water and sugar leaves before drying your buds also causes chlorophyll bleeding inside the buds? is this true?
Thanks once more AFN world
I would also be really interested on hearing about peoples experiences on this. I have always wet -trimmed the buds and just after a week or two of curing they have gained their full flavour and aroma. For what I have read, some people first take the larger leaves out and then dries the bud as it is and then does the dry -trim.

I would imagine that allowing the leaves to dry along with the bud increases the possibility of molding so a very good air circulation would be more than imporant. Does anyone know for sure is this method better for the flavour or not?
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Well knowing that the most Moisture remians in the Stems i would say they are the most Mold risky part. I did dry several Times with the Sugar leafes on covering the buds and i must say theese Buds have a more intense scent and flavour in shorter curing time. Cutting away the Stems from the Buds and leaving the sugar Leafes on is doable without Mold Risk. Btw i did the comaprison to trimmed/manicured with the same Strain both were Tyrone Special from Mephisto.
When I grew out some Stone Dragons I hung the whole plant, and trimmed after, whole process did take about 2 weeks but the smell and taste was some of the best iv had.
When I grew out some Stone Dragons I hung the whole plant, and trimmed after, whole process did take about 2 weeks but the smell and taste was some of the best iv had.

Man that's pretty intense. :clap:
You also have to keep in Mind that Light Degrades the Thc and when the Sugar Leafes are covering the Buds they have a extra protection against that.
I hang my girls upside down for approximately 5 days (avg for my area)
Generally, prior to cutting it down and after hanging it, I will cut off the fan leaves as it is drying.
Then at day 5 or 6 I will pop a few big buds into a jar with a hygrometer and watch it for several hours.
If it is below 63%, I jar it for the cure.
Above that, and I let it hang another day or two.

Once they have cured in the jars for a while, I will trim anything I wouldn't smoke off before passing it on to any one else.

Experiment a bit, but I have found this method gives me the best flavored and smelling bud on a consistent basis.
You also have to keep in Mind that Light Degrades the Thc and when the Sugar Leafes are covering the Buds they have a extra protection against that.

So if I get your advice correct; Just trim the large fan leaves, and then trim the buds out of the stems with the sugar leaves and let them dry. Then after drying, trim the extra sugar leaves out and cure the buds.

Did I get it right? Thank you so much. And dude, I almost stole your username! Just realized that there WAS another with almost similar username. Hope you're not mad. :slaps:
Hello AFN

I really wonder if dying my buds without trimming anything and thus slow the speed of drying will it help taste as it is said in many you tube videos? I heard that trimming water and sugar leaves before drying your buds also causes chlorophyll bleeding inside the buds? is this true?
Thanks once more AFN world

I don't trim my buds, sometimes not even after drying, infact, I don't know why people do. They taste great, smoke smooth ( for those that smoke ) and those tiny leaves are every bit as potent as the rest of the bud. I even like how they look when dried. Yes they dry/cure more slowly this way, and that's not a bad thing. If the air is very dry, I chop the whole plant and hang it, keeps the buds from drying too quickly.
Well thats enlightening "Izzy wizzy" my friend I did not know they had to be dried in shade. Let me ask you also cause NOOB you see, when you talk about sugar leaves you mean the ones one fingered coming out of the buds not those that resemble fan leaves the one with stem?:Aloha: