Harvest & Curing Tom's Tumbler 1900 System is in town!! Product Review


Cultivators Club
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
So here we are ladies and gentlemen!! I was offered a chance to test the TTT 1900 system, and I accepted the opportunity with great enthusiasm!!

First thing is first....I received an email with a paid invoice on a thursday afternoon after I accepted the unit to test. Wow that was fast!! I didn't receive a tracking number, but I am in no hurry for this until since i don't need it until fall, so I figured they would get it sent when TTT could get it out. So the weekend goes by and come monday afternoon, my wife sees an odd van pull up to the house, and before you know it two guys are knocking at the door with a giant box!! I was in disbelief that it showed that quickly!! I did have to pay a light customs fee of $35, which was no problem.

Okay so....the box is arrived and looking great!! One corner had a minor ding on it, but due to the packaging they used, nothing was damaged in any way other than the outer box a slight bit.

Obviously I was pumped to see this sucker put together, so I spent an hour assembling it!! (shouldn't have taken that long , but i need to hunt down some tools, allen key, and star screwdriver, as well as smoke joints throughout the process!!) I want to stress that i likely spent more time, rolling, toking and hunting down a star screwdriver, than I actually spent assembling the unit. :D

So the 1900 System comes with 3 different bags for trimming. There is the standard bag, for the initial trim. TTT's video says this unit will 85% trim 1-2 pounds in 3-5 minutes!! Wow!

One the biggest buds have been trimmed, the material that made it through the trimmer will be run through a smaller mesh which will separate some smaller buds from the leaf. In order for this model to work, you need to run at least 1 pound through it. I have been thinking that it might be feasible to make a divider to be able to run smaller amounts of bud and the unit still work as it should. Block off 1/4 of the machine and perhaps you can run 1/4lb-1/2lb.

And the final screen in the 3 part trimming process is the Kief separator!! I am really pumped to see how this part performs!! This could eliminate what i do to make hash at the end of the season!!

I didn't bother making a video of the building process, as the assembly video on TTT's site is perfect. Assembly is simple even without the video, and only using the assembly pamphlet. You do need a set of Allen keys(which I was informed only need to be hand tightened, I just snugged the bolt the the proper sized allen bolt) and a large star screwdriver to mount the motor, as well as an adjustable wrench(or proper sized open face wrench) to tighten the shaft.

Lets talk about the components...PVC piping is used for the outer frame, totally fine for the application its needed for. Rigid enough, though I am not sure I would want a 250 pound guy leaning on it!! Still though...pvc is flexible sure, but it is damn strong!!
The netting for trimming is very high quality as is the way it goes on the drums. I could see the zippers and netting lasting for a long, long time. Speaking of the drums, they are a solid grade of aluminum.

The motor assembly looks great and again solid quality. Controllable speed might be handy for certain strains? Not sure, time till tell on this one!! I found this to be the only tricky part of the whole assembly. On the lower end of the motor assembly there is a bolt head that protrudes out from the box. This bolt head hits the frame and kicks the lower end out a bit, which then requires you to press in the lower end of the motor box while simultaneously having to manipulate the shaft to get the drum assembled. Just a bit tricky to do that's all, but it could be a big deal if you didn't notice it and cross threaded the shaft because it wasn't aligned properly!!

The unit comes with a plastic cover that goes over top of the unit when in use to stop bits from flying out the top. It also comes with a lower skirt made of the same plastic. Bother are easy to hook up via velcro straps, and when I took them out of the package, I was impressed with the thickness of the material used.



Is there anything i see that i think could be improved? The clear plastic see through leaf funnel at the bottom is a new improvement over cloth, and for sure thats a good one!! The only improvement i see at all is include the proper sized allen key, cheap wrench, and a star screwdriver. The motor mount with the plastic brackets was a little nerve wracking, especially with the warning about the screws potentially stripping the threads inside the box. I would like to see the motor and drum shaft align better. If the divider works, that could be huge for especially autoflower growers, you could sell dividers separately and guys that have the machine could potentially run 4 different auto varieties 1/4-1/2 pound batches at the same time with the use of only 2 dividers.(tom was telling me that they tested this out, but it doesnt work....darn!!)

The videos i have seen on this are quite impressive!! I really look forward to using this in the fall!!

Okay so....here is my review so far with TTT
Arrival Time 10/10 - Seriously...i have never seen a shipment arrive so quickly from California!!
Communication 6/10 - Mostly giving this for the lack of tracking number. I sent a couple of messages to TTT but received no response.
Packaging 9/10 Excellent packaging, this box could take a hit and the inner components would be fine.
Quality of Materials used 8/10 - Solid all around...if tube steel was used instead of PVC this would be 9/10. If there was tube steel and a better way to mount the motor(instead of plastic brackets) this would be 10/10 in my eyes!
Ease of assembly 8/10 - Not a hard build at all...only the motor to shaft assembly was a challenge, due to the mis alignment of the shaft to the motor.

Operational Rating
Run time 5 minutes

Ease of use 9/10 - Simple and easy to use. No problems. Only thing i suggest is only put worthwhile bud into the trimmer...if you put too much fluffy bud versus good solid nugs, it doesn't work great.

Ease of Cleaning NA/10 - Filled in at the end of the season.

Trimming Effectiveness (leafy indica type strains) 7/10 - I figure it does around 70% leaf removal on a 5 minute cycle. Weed must be really quite dry to work well...i found around 57-60%RH bud in a 50% RH environment worked well.

Trimming Effectiveness (less leafy strains) 7/10 - Pretty much the same as leafy buds. Takes a good amount of leaf off fairly quickly.

Final Bud Appeal using the machine versus hand trimming 6/10 - Not quite as nice as wet hand trimming, but additional time spent hand trimming would get it looking as good as a hand trim. Certainly time would be saved for those with lots of bud, that could be trimmed at another time. At the end of my season this is exactly what happened. I have a bunch of buds in jars that need to be final trimmed after being run through the machine

Value for Money 8/10 - This was a tough one to rate!! The machine works well. There is ALOT of bud that when you wet trim you wouldn't bother doing. With the TTT you can run and process all of the smaller stuff you wouldn't bother with, if you were hand trimming on a limited time schedule. Yes the machine is a fairly pricey unit...however, when you take into account the buds you get, that you would pass by if you were wet trimming, the machine quickly shows its worth. That in addition to the mass of kief you will extract from the awesome kief screen, the value versus cost seems well balanced.

Percentage of leaf trimmed during a 5 minute cycle 70%(strains with dense bud) 50% (loose leafy strains with little overall density)

Favorite points about the machine -
Though i have been hand trimming the main colas this year(would rather it go into jars perfectly trimmed when possible, and also the high humidity of the standard drying area requires a quicker method to dry or i will get backlogged too much and run out of space to dry).

- keif separator!! Love it, love it!!!! Having this running while i am hand trimming wet colas is the best!! Sooooo much keif!!



Bottom line - i would recommend this machine for those with a whack of bud to trim that have a limited amount of time to trim it. Trimmed and jarred for later fine trimming would be a good system to beat the time crunch of relatively large outdoor harvests in a short time window.
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nice looking unit,great write up :thumbsup:
kief addition sounds interesting.
so if a section of the drum cant be partitioned,and running 1/4 full dont quite work.could something like 57 squash balls be used to make up a pound,and have the machine work ok :shrug: