I'd be really confused right now after reading
@Slater message. Most of what he said about drying and curing is spot on. But
Some people prefer to dry by hanging the plant whole, some people cut off and hang branches, some people dry in paper bags. I've seen people wet trim and use a mesh laundry basket to dry (I wouldn't recommend). The more plant material that is left on the plant the slower the dry will be. That's a good thing. I agree drying and curing should be treated with the same amount of patience and care as when growing the plant. You can ruin 3 to 5 months of work if you don't properly dry and cure.
With that said, my terpenes smack ya in the face and my bud smokes nice and smooth, I use brown paper bags to dry.
My best advice is to try them all, find what works best for you.
I also think it's funny when people compare home grows to "professional" grows. I've been to dispensary's from southern California to Northern Oregon. I've yet to find anything from a dispensary that's as good as what I grow. Even the $60+ eighths. THC is also the be all end all in the industry, when other cannabinoids and terpene profile have a huge impact on how cannabis affects us. Professionals might be a little flawed too.