DIY Dream Farm Report v3 LAG grow journal

Whitetail venison and wild hog burgers for the 4th nom nom nom View attachment 1339153
I haven't had that combo since I was 17! :drool:
Dad bought Mom a hunting license that year. Dad and I had killed out. We harvested two bucks and a doe each. The lady we leased from had mentioned some feral pigs tearing up some stuff and wanted them gone. We had four days left! :headbang: That afternoon I went with her foreman to where they saw the damage. I found fresh sign and started tracking them. I had been on this place a few times, so I guessed where they might be. I topped this ridge and there they were. There was a lot of them at all sorts of ages. My eyes were on that spring's young ones. They were all in the closed end of a box canyon. :eyebrows: I harvested 7 nice fat young sows. They couldn't pinpoint where the shots were coming from with the sounds bouncing all around. Only the first shot was easy. LOL! Hollered at Pop on the radio and told him to get his ass over here. I had them field dressed by the time he got there. As I was throwing the last pig in the truck, Dad fires a shot and scares the crap out of me. He drops a nice big fat doe. "Get to work boy!" LOL!
I gave the old lady 3 and we took the rest to the processor.
Pop went back a month later and piked everything up. It packed our freezer full. I thought the patties were sausage when I unpacked it for Mom. I was surprised when she had made hamburgers and more surprised when I ate it. That was damn good!
I haven't had that combo since I was 17! :drool:
Dad bought Mom a hunting license that year. Dad and I had killed out. We harvested two bucks and a doe each. The lady we leased from had mentioned some feral pigs tearing up some stuff and wanted them gone. We had four days left! :headbang: That afternoon I went with her foreman to where they saw the damage. I found fresh sign and started tracking them. I had been on this place a few times, so I guessed where they might be. I topped this ridge and there they were. There was a lot of them at all sorts of ages. My eyes were on that spring's young ones. They were all in the closed end of a box canyon. :eyebrows: I harvested 7 nice fat young sows. They couldn't pinpoint where the shots were coming from with the sounds bouncing all around. Only the first shot was easy. LOL! Hollered at Pop on the radio and told him to get his ass over here. I had them field dressed by the time he got there. As I was throwing the last pig in the truck, Dad fires a shot and scares the crap out of me. He drops a nice big fat doe. "Get to work boy!" LOL!
I gave the old lady 3 and we took the rest to the processor.
Pop went back a month later and piked everything up. It packed our freezer full. I thought the patties were sausage when I unpacked it for Mom. I was surprised when she had made hamburgers and more surprised when I ate it. That was damn good!
Badsss, im not the biggest wild hog fan. But this was a nice young un and we had it sent to the butcher. They made a real good mix for us for burgers
Drying shed is 99% done. Harvest pics comin
Excellent haul I am so happy for you bro. Nice big fat plants.:worship:
Thanks bruddah and Yeah and that’s just 14 of em. I have another 14 or 15 to do tomorrow morning before I have to spend all day stuccoing our house lol. And that’s only the first half of this round. The second half will be coming down in about 2 weeks