DIY Dream Farm Report v3 LAG grow journal

So I ended up bringing the little bitty grape dosi breath inside and started sprayin her with CS. out of curiosity @Fitzy how often do you spray em? I can’t for the life of me remember. Its been 15 years since I used any.
Not overly restrictive, I don’t want to start to big before I know what the he’ll I’m doing! Currently I’m in process of building a large garden that’s somewhat automated with ground covering and drip irrigation with an inline liquid fertilizer. I have a 6’x8’ greenhouse to start seeds, and right now I can’t get anything in the ground due to the rain I have an outbuilding 20’x20’ with power that I could use part of to start
Not overly restrictive, I don’t want to start to big before I know what the he’ll I’m doing! Currently I’m in process of building a large garden that’s somewhat automated with ground covering and drip irrigation with an inline liquid fertilizer. I have a 6’x8’ greenhouse to start seeds, and right now I can’t get anything in the ground due to the rain I have an outbuilding 20’x20’ with power that I could use part of to start
Ok niiiiice, I would say start in the outbuilding with a tent and a few plants. The main reason for this is that you control the growth variables. Light, temp, humidity etc. it will give you a good base of knowledge to know what you are looking for in the plants at each of these different variables
Halogens are no good for growing. I believe I read its the spectrum is wrong, and yes, they are energy hogs!
Hey pop did you see my DIY “industrial” humidifier I built. It’s made all the difference. And even though I can only get it up to about 35% with the fan on. It’s def better than 8% lol
I love a good DIY build! And I've gotten bby on RH 35% a number of winters.
I know you do!

And that’s is of great comfort to me. With the fans runnin full tilt boogie and me keeping the pea gravel floor moist. I can get it to 40-45% so my vpd is a little out of perfect range but not by much as I have the white “shade” cloth overheard from 10:00 am til 4:00pm and that keeps the leaf temps way down. It’s been getting cloudy every day around 2:00 which has been nice. This is the “spring” season here and also the only time of year their is any kind of consistency in the rain. It doesn’t ever really rain at my house cause I am so close to the mountain but it gets cloudy and rains all around us almost every day