Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition

I would have gottne the flower girl personally. but the two woill do fine I think. Im a lil concerned about the color of your plants bro! not sure topping it what you would want to do. the yellowing is deeper than it should be leaning me to think it hot or another issue. Kind Soil was wrought with issues almost every single grow. thats why I tried turning people onto a far superior mix instead of the KS. but yeah make that photo topping soil we talked about ,using their amounts for turf application. put that in a CF or two a cup per Cubic Foot and a cup of Kelp meal per cubic foot too. let blend with a few TBspoons of lime and moisten lightly and let blend for a week or so,then you'll be ready to apply it. although you can turn them into the top coating of the soil with a fork or something. being careful of the roots. when thats done or need clarification lemme know. if I were you I would ask Waira or someone good from the Hospital section to take a gander at yer girls. the color is un nerving to me. is it hot? heat pulls food out of plants quickly too usually! P n K more specific.anything over 80F is a potential issue ime.

Lol I guess I should have stated that those pictures above are I the daylight AND my LEC's and my DE HPS on, the yellowing that you are seeing is from the lights. I will take some daylight only pics here in a little bit. They are all super green there are literally two leaves out of all of them that are even starting to yellow. The littlest ones a couple of them I didn't water for like a week and they were just underwatered, they are all greening back up now. The temps are good they may get over 80 but that is during the day with sunlight only and good flow, just like be in a greenhouse the temps can go a little higher outside.
The smallest ones are pretty yellow, but like I said that is underwatering. The HPS light makes them all have a weird yellow tint, it is crazy because I will be looking in there and be like CRAP they are starting to yellow, I will turn the light off and viola back to perfectly green. I have 2500 watts blazin on those babies and it also depends on when I take the picture in the daylight, cause it is crazy reflective with oranges and pinks in the moring.
yeah, one thing with a hotter or a more aggressive soil or un balanced soil is you dont want to let it get too dry. a decently moist core should be maintained ideally. or it can burn and create a caustic like environment to try and feed off of and they aint cool with that LOL so yeah doent suprise me early on too since the kind soil until it mnellow and the plant can handle it better and smooth out some,it can get yellow really early on ya at times.

SWEET ok cool, glad its the lights man and not discoloration in the plants. glad to hear that. no pics needed broseph.i 'll take your word for it. no need to get work done on my account man. let em ride if they're green just making sure your on the right path is all bro. too big a grow to screw up :D
yeah, one thing with a hotter or a more aggressive soil or un balanced soil is you dont want to let it get too dry. a decently moist core should be maintained ideally. or it can burn and create a caustic like environment to try and feed off of and they aint cool with that LOL so yeah doent suprise me early on too since the kind soil until it mnellow and the plant can handle it better and smooth out some,it can get yellow really early on ya at times.

SWEET ok cool, glad its the lights man and not discoloration in the plants. glad to hear that. no pics needed broseph.i 'll take your word for it. no need to get work done on my account man. let em ride if they're green just making sure your on the right path is all bro. too big a grow to screw up :D

That is why I am thinking about a blumat type autowatering system. So do you think that I should not be trying to get a wet dry cycle per se but instead maintaining a core of moist not wet soil? And I have to take pictures almost every day any way because I need it for referencing. When you look at your plants as much as I do it is hard to determine growth sometimes lol.
yeah, one thing with a hotter or a more aggressive soil or un balanced soil is you dont want to let it get too dry. a decently moist core should be maintained ideally. or it can burn and create a caustic like environment to try and feed off of and they aint cool with that LOL so yeah doent suprise me early on too since the kind soil until it mnellow and the plant can handle it better and smooth out some,it can get yellow really early on ya at times.

SWEET ok cool, glad its the lights man and not discoloration in the plants. glad to hear that. no pics needed broseph.i 'll take your word for it. no need to get work done on my account man. let em ride if they're green just making sure your on the right path is all bro. too big a grow to screw up :D

That is why I am thinking about a blumat type autowatering system. So do you think that I should not be trying to get a wet dry cycle per se but instead maintaining a core of moist not wet soil? And I have to take pictures almost every day any way because I need it for referencing. When you look at your plants as much as I do it is hard to determine growth sometimes lol.

Great minds thinking alike and all with the blumats. I was reading Eye's post and thinking "I wonder if that's part of why the Blumat's seem to be working so well for me so far. That they keep the little core right under the drip moist pretty much all the time, and then vary the flow based of how dry things get an inch or two out from that". :jointman:
Dream Farm Report: Last 24 Hours Pictures included

The babies did great last night, then again it only got down to 26 so that was a breeze. The smallest babies are all perked back up and starting to get their green back, the Moby Dicks were the ones hit hardest. The Walter indicas and white cracks color was not affected by the underwatering. The first frost is starting to come on on the biggest grape crinkle shown in the up close photo. Here are the babies for today
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The babies did great last night, then again it only got down to 26 so that was a breeze. The smallest babies are all perked back up and starting to get their green back, the Moby Dicks were the ones hit hardest. The Walter indicas and white cracks color was not affected by the underwatering. The first frost is starting to come on on the biggest grape crinkle shown in the up close photo. Here are the babies for today
:d5: Looking good Derek
i think many would benefit highly from using this method of growing but many think its an always has to be thing and its not. most strains would NOT benefit from a more easy or simpler viticulture styled wet dry stress cycle,the best for some, not ALL mind you, some are more hardy and worked plants. so can be hit a little harder generally speaking...

but what you want is a smoother transition(albeit fast or slow) from the wet dryer cycle but never fully dry. always always ALWAYS maintain a slim core at minimum( better if its a little larger in a 5 gallon lets say,few inches across or so) in a non aerated medium to larger strain. that would do HUGE things for you,especially in organics. so the dripper is excellent or a smaller moon shape around the stem base or single dripper. in a circle around the base is ideally a perfect thing to control it a little better imho

looking great dude, they look much better than I initially thought, great deal man!! lemme know if you need anything man. dont forget to prep that top coating man. :D L8r bro
EoF mentioned rice water...that sent me on an hour long Google mission. Wow, some interesting stuff, fo sho!
I have a couple questions for you @Eyes on Fire, regarding Lactobacillis(I'm assuming you are making this with rice water). If you could direct me, at your convenience, to a proper thread for these inquiries, It'd be appreciated.