Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition

well if you wanna combine it thats easy man. a rough mix is a bag of roots a bag of KS a few gallons of coco if ya got it but if not. no worries. maybe a lil perlite maybe half a cu[ to 3/4 cup of granules. depends what ya get i suppose LOL but yeah you could do that and make sure you make that photo strength top coating we talked about and use as need for anything run with that soil and even now would help attack an issue two ways. and a decent plug and a germ test to test the potency of the soil is always a good idea. but plugged and/or tiered
I have a layer of seedling soil between the cup and the KS soil as well. The roots grow faster out to the side and will be there way before two or three nodes. I had taproots coming out the bottom of the cup after like 3 days above soil. Autos roots grow really fast just like the plant itself, @Eyes on Fire is probably the most knowledgeable "water only" TLO type grower on AFN. He tried lots of different methods and this one seemed to work the best for what I was doing, I did not want to try and go through the trials and tribulations of figuring out what burned my seeds up and what didn't lol. He has already done that work, I have found that when in doubt seek someone who has done it and follow their step by step instructions to the best of your ability. I haven't grown in dirt in a decade so I was in doubt, I found the highest level expert I could in EOF and got with him to see what to do and learn(again lol) so far everything he has told me to do has been spot on, I have no reason to deviate from what most consider perfection : )

Dream Farm Report: last 24 hours

The babies are starting to rebound from my exsessive overwatering lol. It got down to 3 and the babies are at 73 I think I have FINALLY got the temps to be able to stay like I like. I honestly think they have been getting too cold at night and that is another reason why they seem slow to me. I think they were getting down below 60 at the beginning and that will slow the growth early on. I think that @trailanimal is my best ally when relating to the cold. It looks like the smallest babies are now rebounded from the under and overwatering, they all seem perky again. The one that is the most concerning however is the second double grape it was growing soooooooooooo good and now hasn't done shit but sit there and look sad for 5 days. But I did give her the most water so it makes sense she will be the last one to perk up. I will try and take some pictures after while when the big light comes on
some strains will be more sensitive to diurnal temp swings. I asked Mitch which of their strains was hardiest and he replied .....would like to know, haven't done any outdoor testing......and I'm wondering how many generations from a very controlled environment? I guess, in this case, slow down to be expected. If my plants finish up 15 to 20 days late, it is what it is. Some will still go fast! Blue dream this season 74 days from seed, smok'in for my funky environment.
As your plants grow they will be adapting, do your best at control, don't worry, compared to my temp swings yours seem mellow. At the end I'm thinking most of your girls will be flaunting their load
Here are todays pictures.
for my setup this would not be slow, kinda normal leaning toward quick

That makes me feel better : ) thanks bud

Also @Eyes on Fire I just got Dr Earth Bloom Booster and Kelp Meal it will be here Monday. I went ahead and top dressed the two biggest girl with just straight KS, about a 3rd of a bag each mainly because I think they will keep yellowing if I didn't catch it now versus in a week. If I need to add the booster and kelp to that I will. Just let me know if you think I should
I would have gottne the flower girl personally. but the two woill do fine I think. Im a lil concerned about the color of your plants bro! not sure topping it what you would want to do. the yellowing is deeper than it should be leaning me to think it hot or another issue. Kind Soil was wrought with issues almost every single grow. thats why I tried turning people onto a far superior mix instead of the KS. but yeah make that photo topping soil we talked about ,using their amounts for turf application. put that in a CF or two a cup per Cubic Foot and a cup of Kelp meal per cubic foot too. let blend with a few TBspoons of lime and moisten lightly and let blend for a week or so,then you'll be ready to apply it. although you can turn them into the top coating of the soil with a fork or something. being careful of the roots. when thats done or need clarification lemme know. if I were you I would ask Waira or someone good from the Hospital section to take a gander at yer girls. the color is un nerving to me. is it hot? heat pulls food out of plants quickly too usually! P n K more specific.anything over 80F is a potential issue ime.