Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition V 2.0

Hmmm :deadhorse: I would be dreaming of a 2x4 frame with a sheet of pond liner a broom and dust pan... In half a day you could have a clean looking grow? You must spend enough time there judging by the all the butts captured in your images. Get this guy a housekeeping badge for beside his "pounder" :crying:

At least you have plant genetics on your side :greenthumb:

Hmmm :deadhorse: I would be dreaming of a 2x4 frame with a sheet of pond liner a broom and dust pan... In half a day you could have a clean looking grow? You must spend enough time there judging by the all the butts captured in your images. Get this guy a housekeeping badge for beside his "pounder" :crying:

At least you have plant genetics on your side :greenthumb:

It's clean now lol
I think this girl miiiiight do a little foxtailing lol
It's crazy I just looked at the pictures from a week ago and wow these babies are a growin. Since I spent so much time in my grow space it's hard for me to see the day-to-day growth but when I go back and look at pictures from eight days ago I'm like whoa
It's crazy I just looked at the pictures from a week ago and wow these babies are a growin. Since I spent so much time in my grow space it's hard for me to see the day-to-day growth but when I go back and look at pictures from eight days ago I'm like whoa

I'm in my garden a lot too and sometimes I get frustrated that things are slow or standing still then I look at pics and it's like ok STFU inside voice it's all good :biggrin:

You would have been proud tonight bro, had my biggest dab and was thinking of your old avatar lol...........when your best bud lets you dab all you want every time you go over your tolerance jumps a little :d5:
@derek420colorado i looked into this company about 3 years ago as the simplicity was spot on.

The only issue here was our electric company wouldn't supply me with a bi-directional meter as the system wasn't considered permanent. Inexpensive way to dabble in PV though.
That seems pretty cool. Does it collect energy from the sun, then feeds into the house through a normal outlet?

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