Dragon Meds DragonsBlood 4/20 Harvest Party w/ Stylez and robwars

Hey dudes ... is this the stuff i need ?

shl brand iso propanol ipa isopropyl alcohol 99.9% pure
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:five:no worries brother . heres a description:peace:

Isopropanol is also know as Isopropyl Alcohol and IPA (not the bitter) is a quickly evaporating Alcohol based chemical that cuts through Thermal Paste and residue allowing you to clean your CPU/GPU die and surrounding areas before applying new thermal paste. Isopropanol works fantastically with Arctic Silver products and allows you to shine the core for perfect heat transference with the thermal compound of your choice. Instructions For Use:pour some of the Isopropanol into a container (Egg cup or similar) during the cleaning process you may accidently put your dirty Cloth or cotton bud back into the liquid, ideally you do not want to contaminate a whole bottle which is why you remove a small amount for each cleaning. Remove Heatsink and/or fan Use a Cotton bud (Ear hole poker) to apply a the Isopropanol to the area with the thermal Compound (If you are replacing an old Heatsink, it might be worth practicing cleaning the old heatsink first before attempting to clean the core just so you are happy with the effects the Isopropanol has on the Compound). Use a Shiny Hardware Lint free cloth to clean the dispersed Thermal Material and excess Isopropanol. Reapply the isopropanol with a clean Ear Bud and repeat until all thermal material has been removed. Please take care when cleaning GPU cores as they are mounted on the graphics card generally surrounded by resistors, you must ensure you remove all traces of the Thermal Material.
Vira, you're good with that I think. The higher the percentage the better, 99.9% ISO will work very nice. :smokebuds:
:buds:thankyou kindly both gentlemen :peace: smokin some mazar trim soon :grat::jump::dig:kwazomazar !
I watched some dude dabbing Stylez ... on you-tube ,it looks like it's going to mess you up 1st hit :D so im thinking of getting one of these "oil rigs" & trying it .The equipment is not cheap but I want to learn these cool new ways to smoke . Im planning on giving up tobacco so need lots of weed smoking accessories to compensate . The 1st mission will be keeping enough weed till the next lot is ready & smoking pure blunts instead of tobacco .... heres what Im after :bong:looks like a standard bong with a dabbing bowl attached :shrug:
So did you quit smoking cigs?