Indoor Dragons

Auto Blue Mammoth -

Hello AFN, How the Fuck are you? :)

I'm feeling great and so are The Dragons!!!

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I have one Black Dragon that formed with 2 tops, Aught to be an interesting plant no matter what the sex of it is...

Hey O' here we go...
It's freaking cold, Days feeling like Autumn was killed and Winter was the culprit...

I've been keeping temperatures at a steady 63f days and nights, I could get it up more but I'm thinking that this temp may help with bringing the Colours out of the Dragons especially the Black-Dragons...
Picture updates within a day or so, Once the growth really starts to accelerate I'll be posting almost daily...
NC420_BDOC's PICTURE UPDATE 11-04-2014

Hello AFN, Hows it?

I've been somewhat busy running our Combine all day long for the last 3-4 days... Harvesting Feed Corn for 100% Organic Hog Farm...

But, That's not what you wanna hear about, This is what we're hear for! Shooting LOVE to @MOSSY---nc420_BDOC

These are not in order, I'll edit the post and Label Each Picture...

OH YEAH, Almost forgot... As soon as I open the door to my grow-room IT SMELLS LIKE SWEET, SWEET MEDICINE!!!


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Evil looking Bitch NC.......:devil:..sorry..I have been down like a Clown Charlie I haven't been out Visiting.

I just Love outdoor canna trees..I could roll in them..Naked.....don't Picture will go Blind.


Hows the Dragons...?

I've just germ tested RussianDragons but lost me night temps at the same I only have 50% germ on one batch..but I'm Thinking of setting them up under the LED....I have a Real hankering for the point Talking about her is giving me hunger pains now....:drool:

I'm still not Good at LED growing so I Consulted with the AFN LED God....TaNg's Thang...and he is giving me Instructions in KISS form..Bless him...
Grannies Guide to LED's..

I had a Look at the fert list download he has done..but I'm afraid I might have to put it on me Christmas List..or get hubby smelling salts before we go to the grow shop.

I'll have to use my Powers of Persuasion to get That lot......:Sssssmokin:..and there is only so far I'm prepared to Go for me Girls....:devil:


I am not an Tree Hugging Hippy

No..we keep That place for JM....."JM's a Hippy"