Indoor Dragons

Picture #9 in the above post are my lights.
Each of them are 300watt HPS adding up to 900watt HPS.

Should be plenty of wattage but I'm still adding 2 more 300watt HPS systems, 1500watts is my goal.
I already have the light systems in queue so hopefully today I'll get a chance to rearrange the closet and bring everything out into the main GrowRoom. I put down a big Blue Tarp to protect the carpet and there are already hooks to hang the lights from 2 years ago when I had a perpetual growroom.
After this first grow I'm going to start the perpetual room it should take only 1 harvest to have my perpetual system putting out every month then I'll work toward twice monthly harvests leading to once weekly.

This is the Female, She is a papered Boxer...
This is the Male, He is a Papered BullMastiff he's just a little bit smaller than most.
The offspring are papered as Boxer-Mastiff. Which must be desirable because the puppies sale at top Dollar but even if the people come with the cash that doesn't meen that I'll sale them a puppy. I have given more than I've sold because a good home is more important to me than the Cash...
I just had to show off my babies, I'm a proud :) :thumbs:
My brother kept one of the Males from this past litter and he is massive man not to mention loving and funny as hell because he hasn't gotten used to his size yet.
He is 16 weeks old and weighs 37lbs!
We raise them to be gentle so even though his size can be intimidating he doesn't know

This evening I'm going to get a few pictures of him to show off...
I just can't help myself, I'm like a grandfather with a wallet full of pictures that forces you to look at each and everyone of them...

Oh, The Dragons are doing exceptionally well.

The Short Stuff - Super Stinky AutoFem is taking off at the speed of light, Thats only because it's a "Super Auto".

To bad I lost all of my Thai Haze#47 seeds because it gave the Supers a run for their money...
The Thai Haze#47 were 90% Sativa 5% Ruderalis and 5% Indica. The Indica was incorporated for thicker heavier buds with a bit more of an THC kick but it didn't affect the Haze effect. Damn I miss that Strain but maybe one day I'll luck upon some pure Thaipan again and with some Purple AK-47 I may be able to bring it back from the dead. The only thing is that I sent out so many testers and gift beans that I know its out there somewhere.

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I just wanted to say that I miss RSV1 tremendously, God Rest His Friendly and Honest soul...

Although he is no longer here with us his memory lives on, Rest In Peace RSV1 you are missed!
I have a neopolitan Mastiff great dog he was. Now i have a King shepard and a king shepard crossed my neigbor thinks it has wolf in him He is around 135 lbs and very protective. I will put some pics on of them too. I am a dog and cat guy. And best of luck on yer indoor grow>
I have a neopolitan Mastiff great dog he was. Now i have a King shepard and a king shepard crossed my neigbor thinks it has wolf in him He is around 135 lbs and very protective. I will put some pics on of them too. I am a dog and cat guy. And best of luck on yer indoor grow>

Awesome man, If you don't mind when you get some pictures of them post some here in my thread.
I'd love to see them.
Guys I planted a freshly Germinated
Barney's Farm - Auto Blue Mammoth AutoFem.

Hoping to get something even close to this -



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