Indoor Dragon Thread

I am just worried about 2 many adapters being plugged in there because its a detached garage and it was to go on fire id never,know till it was too late. I'll stick the fan in tomorrow or order some clip on fans maybe.

I'll sort it tomorrow. I'm wrecked today plus I have an early start tomorrow and my boss is retiring so he's got all drink for tomorrow in work which will be fun! You working all weekend @sanguine?
That sounds like a days craic, not work! You stealing the bosses old job?
Yea mate ive got 12h shifts for the next few weeks. Hopefully get away earlier as its the weekend
Yeah it does hence an early night I think. Mate I'm a level 4 in work, he's a level 7.. Almost there not quite just yet lol

12 hour shifts are a pain in the ass man, you must be wrecked all the time!
Hopefully they dont last much longer, work eat sleep repeat. Always make time for the girls though lol
Im praying you've got a good batch of walters

I'm hoping too man, I soaked mine for 24 hours in shot glass and then into paper towel for 12 hours to soften the seed that bit more as I think the mutants could be due,to the seed taking too long or being to hard to come off on its own. So fingers crossed!
You might be onto something. My walters and white triangles all took 5-6 days to break soil normally its 3 for me, or maybe because they're genetically weaker they germ slower