Indoor Dragon Thread

Thanks for stopping in grim! I'm gonna order another one. The one I have isn't enough. Would a dehumidifier help also?
It never hurts to have one especially when the RH rises the most with lights off.
This is the one i use and it also puts out a lot of hot air which works great for me as mine only ever come on with lights off.
Just a wee update. Last feed today before,the fan arrives because I think when,I feed them outside the tent and let the runoff escape, it still sort of makes alot of condensation in there.

I've only been away a little while and holy shit!¡ yo babies ain't babies no more. You're killing it man. Big plants name change wtf else did I miss?
Cheers sang! I'm hoping it arrives pretty soon... My mrs said.... " if you take the hose from the back of,the tumble dryer outlet and connect it to,the tent while the tumble dryer is on it may help " lol

Hey step, you been busy with the kids man? Glad everything is,finally panning out for you bro! Yeah they have certainly stretched. One male cheesus d, female etd and not sure what the HBSS X GORILLA GOLD is yet.!