Mephisto Genetics Dr. Danklove or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Coco Hempy

This afternoon, I went out onto my balcony where I had left my dead Toofless Alien. All of a sudden, she's showing healthy growth. Given how stunted she is, it's probably mostly a waste, but I think I'm going to go ahead and nurture this Zombie.

You might be real glad you did. These are really starting to smell strong and they're very gummy and gooey. :)
Man, you got that right! Too much love will kill 'em every time. .).

If you can turn it around, it'll be good smoke whatever the yield. ;)
The gorgeous Fantasmo Express at 27 inches on day 41! She's stretching hard, and her colas are looking really sexy.

Here's day 41 Durban :D 24.5".


And Day 20 twin Sour Hounds. You can really tell that fimming stressed the Hound on the right A LOT less than the topping lefty endured. Still, they both seem to be surviving the torture! Muwahahahahaa!


I found this duct tape in the clearance bin for $0.50. It seems pretty appropriate for the slow healing of a zombie Toofless Alien.
Day 43 for Fantasmo and Durban! I did a small amount of defoliating and tucking.
1460179956741504722814.jpg FE
1460179992319806837071.jpg Durban
1460180018706-1942244242.jpg Sour Hounds growing and branching vigorously! Very nice return from training. Day 22 for these gals, I think.
1460180082735-1386053288.jpg Day 2 since resurrection: Zombie Toofless Alien.
Hey Jeb,
I'm getting excited for your fantasmo as well. Just grew one myself and am vaping some at the moment. I love it.
Happy farmin--Gurgler
Hey Jeb,
I'm getting excited for your fantasmo as well. Just grew one myself and am vaping some at the moment. I love it.
Happy farmin--Gurgler
Howdy Gurgler,
That's seriously awesome. How are the flavor and high of the Fantasmo? And what vape(s) do you use?
Cheers - Farmer Jeb