I didn't take any pictures because it was ugly. Everything in breakfast was burnt today. It all started with my coffee roaster the other day. It turns out that if you leave it out in the cold <47°F it messes up the sensors and it falsely detects an overheat condition and shuts down everything while roasting. The drum stops turning and the exhaust fans stop. The big problem with this is the ceramic heat elements stay red/white hot and burn the shit out of the stopped beans. This is the second time it has happened with this roaster and I did the research to find out it is my fault for leaving it outside. I have just been picking out the beans that are roasted too dark (burnt) and making espresso with the rest. It is still better than Charbucks!
Then I burnt the turkey bacon and then the frying potatoes/carrots (left over from the baked chicken last night). It turns out it tasted ok. BUT it sure was ugly