Dutch Passion DP's StarRyder - The fun part of flowering / 600W HPS DR90

How high is your humidity? (Just want to know to be assured against the mold
)Keep your humidity around 40 percent or lower during flower to prevent mold.Also keep your tent well ventilated with lots of air circulation.
Keep your humidity around 40 percent or lower during flower to prevent mold.Also keep your tent well ventilated with lots of air circulation.
It is kept on ~40 by it self. Air-circulation :check: (have a fun blowing 24/7 on them). And there is no need in more ventilation (in my apartment there is some kind of autoexhaustion that runs 3 times a day) and it is so powerful that there is no sign of smell in the grow room after it runs 1h plus I have a little exhaustion for hot air outtake.
Yea 40% RH would be great if you can obtain it!

The RH outside the tent is 51% so the new air is just as Humid.. I have 2 dehumidifiers in the tent, 2 fans and the 4" RUCK exhaust. If i could any more with what i have I would..

Its very humid and wet in the winter but the new RUCK should help, im also going to be pulling through a passive dry box to pull in dry air..

That should get me closer to the 40% mark
Yea 40% RH would be great if you can obtain it!

The RH outside the tent is 51% so the new air is just as Humid.. I have 2 dehumidifiers in the tent, 2 fans and the 4" RUCK exhaust. If i could any more with what i have I would..

Its very humid and wet in the winter but the new RUCK should help, im also going to be pulling through a passive dry box to pull in dry air..

That should get me closer to the 40% mark

Sparks, re High RH,..........is your air outflow from extractor in cab, ducted so it's going outside room ??..........pulling fresh air into room all the time ??.....if your recuircing hot air post cab, your RH is being re fed into cab post carbon filter ??.....AB........need new air in room and old taken out of room via external duct ??.......AB..........nice though man ........
Great grow Sparks, sorry for the mould fella, that new fan will help I'm sure, It's your own fault for growing big nuggets tho lol

Great grow Sparks, sorry for the mould fella, that new fan will help I'm sure, It's your own fault for growing big nuggets tho lol


Whey CK's here... Good lad, the guys here are really nice mate.. They will appreciate your skills for sure..

And to Autoberry-

I dont have a seperate inline fan for the room the tent is in - bear in mind its on a DR90 90cmx90cm - The area i live in would be way to bait to do this, i have the extracted air rising out into the outside..

This 5th grow.. I didnt bleach my tent last time so its my fault + the moister is getting from having the hot air leave the room (Catch 22) - spring + bigger fans will solve the problem, I topped the OutLaws and got no rot at all with this same set-up so it shouldnt take to much to push it back the oter way..
Day 65 - Flushing agent

So i have flushed all the girls with Canna flush at 2ml per litre. I also trimmed off most of the top fan leaves to let light down to the lower nugz, ive had to remove a few more buds that got moldy..

Ive got the RH down to 47% now and more air circulation should sort out the remaining problems. After seeing how much they have plumbed up i think ill still get a half decent yeild.. JUST THINK HOW GOOD IT WOULD HAVE BEEN WITH ALL THE TOPS.. Only the first two have stayed Mold free.. Ive porbs lost 2-3 ozs from the dirty shite at this point..

Still not a bad site and coming down in 1 week :dance2:...


Pose shots lol..



Where did this dumpy little fecker on the left come from :)

Must have been as she had her top removed first from mold.. Sent all the auxins up the that side one so I got a TOP after all :lol:




Top Shots:

Some came out blury soz, was in a rush :(






You have to hand it to dutch passion on these Star Ryders, given the right environment the whole thing would turn into bud if you nailed it..

Will definatley do these again. I just need to make sure the harvest goes smoothly.. I was thinking to get more fans and possibly heat in the drying room this time to keep mold away or will that just make it worse??

Cheers for any advice guys..