New Grower DP Auto Ultimate-LED-NFT Grow.

If the ph is dropping so fast it means the res is too strong mate.
Nutrients are acidic so the higher nutrient to water ratio the more acidic the res.( lower ph)
So its telling you the plants are drinking more water but not uptaking the nutrients.
Or maybe im full of shit who knows lol
nah your spot on there mate. im feeding about 1000ppm wich is 200ppm too much at the mo but im not sure what to drop so just sticking at it. theres a tiny bit nute burn on some leaves but nothing that worries me. it seems contained so im fairly sure its from my explode overdose the other day. other than that though theyre lookin sweet : )
well your probaby getting sick of me flashing my bush by now but i dont care cos their 100 days old today. says on the dp website its a 9 or 10 week strain. some fuckin mathematicians the dutch like. you gotta hand it to them lol.


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day 105 now. some big changes over the last few day. the girls are officially stinking my landing out. really strong smell now. some really explosive growth, including an inch of vertical growth. theyve also just about stopped feeding so gonna give them a day or 2 at about 200ppm, a day or 2 on water then chop chop and get my root porn shot up : )
They look stunning man...great job,have you looked at where the trichs are at? Goodluck trimming that lot mate...hate trimming,gives me the doom lol.
thanks man. i havent checked em yet. jewelers loop arrived last week and was lost within minuits. found it last night in the bairns toybox lol so ill check today. ive been chopping off a shopping bag full every few days but it just grows back twice as quickly. im having to leave my tent open to deal with temps/rh so the smell level is getting dangerous. the mother in law comes round constantly so need to get em down before she catches a wiff. probably phone the OB if she clicks on lol. fed them 800ppm and it jumped to 2400 in 24 hours so theyre not really taking any nutes. i think theyre telling me they want to come down now. wouldve loved a gradual harvest to bump up the popcorn but i need the tent and filter for drying it in : (
Just from looking at ya pics,I would say they are more than ready to come down lol.i was struggling for temps,but now sorted it,and the tents dialled in nicely.fuck me man...ya playing a dangerous game if ya house is reeking get those bitches down asap man.looking like your gonna get a glut of bud from them 2 my friend lol...happy days man :pass: