Amazing Duggy, now i know why my AirDome seems to have gone a bit quiet of late....

Many thanks for the nom L4RC, never expected an auto newbie to be in such awesome company.
Exciting stuff. Thanks again mate....
Have to thank SB for encouraging the extremeness...Duggy......yuz took her toooo the 9th degree dude.........just shows how much nitro can be mobilized during those last few critical week of the plants life.......she shure took all she could get from those leaves.........nicely waited out Duggs.........and a nice grow to me friend.........View attachment 156829 among some of the finest kit in the world !!..............when left alone at the end !!........
Proof is in the pudding mate...crazy...Amazing Duggy, now i know why my AirDome seems to have gone a bit quiet of late....
Will help in any way I can bro...You earned it Duggy... that is some fine bud porn... I actually have one of your pics as part of my screen saver now. So I guess I should thank you!!
We'll have to talk my friend about the Mazar. I'll be starting mine after the new year I think and would love a chance to pick your brain a bit about how to achieve some better results than I've had in the past.