some seed porn and fresh seeded bud...this pheno was about 4ft tall with AK47 like growth but with the kush buds. wasnt the biggest but was a solid full autoflowering plant.
sorry for not being around guys, just been super busy getting this room ready (see picture) and dealing with life in general. im still smoking my way through the seeded bud. i have literally 1000's of seeds from this grow. only two plants are going to be used to keep the line going. I'm going to make a journal for the room and will post a link here for those who are interested. dont think I'm going to run autos for this grow, i have some photo strains projects i need to work on.. but i keep going back and forth about it lol.
oh...so a few weeks back i went to cut down the two keeper plants when i noticed that they were starting to flower again!!! so i let them be and they've been putting out more flowers on top of the seeded bud!! i would imagine that most people harvest their autos before they see this happen? they even put out new lower branches with flowers. ill try and get some pic up for you guys. i'm thinking that one could harvest the top half of their plants and leave some lower branches and get a second haverst. if anyone has done this please speak up.
Happened to me last summer on a Mazar...the entire topbud and the first 2 side branches have been ready and i cutted them down and the lower side branches started a second run and did exactly the same 30 gr. like the top and the 2 side branches...so on AFN i learned to take off the sun leaves!
Happened to me last summer on a Mazar...the entire topbud and the first 2 side branches have been ready and i cutted them down and the lower side branches started a second run and did exactly the same 30 gr. like the top and the 2 side branches...so on AFN i learned to take off the sun leaves!

thats sweet man, i couldnt chop them when i saw more bud. i think im going to do it that way from now on and harvest twice.