Does this look like magnesium deficiency to you?

Feb 27, 2020
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I have 2 auto plants on day 15 that look like they are starting to have a little yellowing between the veins on some of the leaves. Does this look like magnesium deficiency to you?



The details on it.

  • The plants are mephisto sour crack on day 15 in 50% soil 40% perlite 10% biochar in 3 gallon fabric pots on there.

  • I have the 240w kingbrite quantum board led 3500k with 660nm red on like 70% power at like 40" from the top of the plants in the tent with like 77 - 79f with 50 - 55% rh on there.

  • I water with tap water with ph 6.0 - 7.0 that I use ascorbic acid vitamin c powder to remove the chlorine or chloramine in it. I have done a few waterings with coconut water and 1 watering with aloe in it.

  • The nutrients are biotabs organic dry amendments with 2 biotabs per pot with startrex mycotrex and silicium flash in it. I follow the just add tap water guide from biotabs for it.
Do you think that is magnesium deficiency or what? I want to find out if people think it is magnesium as I would then plan to put some epsom salt in the water next time I water it for it on there.
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I have 2 auto plants on day 15 that look like they are starting to have a little yellowing between the veins on some of the leaves. Does this look like magnesium deficiency to you?



The details on it.

  • The plants are mephisto sour crack on day 15 in 50% soil 40% perlite 10% biochar in 3 gallon fabric pots on there.

  • I have the 240w kingbrite quantum board led 3500k with 660nm red on like 70% power at like 40" from the top of the plants in the tent with like 77 - 79f with 50 - 55% rh on there.

  • I water with tap water with ph 6.0 - 7.0 that I use ascorbic acid vitamin c powder to remove the chlorine or chloramine in it. I have done a few waterings with coconut water and 1 watering with aloe in it.

  • The nutrients are biotabs organic dry amendments with 2 biotabs per pot with startrex mycotrex and silicium flash in it. I follow the just add tap water guide from biotabs for it.
Do you think that is magnesium deficiency or what? I want to find out if people think it is magnesium as I would then plan to put some epsom salt in the water next time I water it for it on there.
@Arthur may be able to help you bro i don't use soil so I'm no help
Looks like calcium to me. Your under QBs, so chances are your calcium/ magnesium needs are above norm, but I don't see a cal/mg in your feeds. Epsom can be used early for mg, but you wanna drop that in flower, because then your getting to much sulfur. Still, no calcium... bite the bullet and get a cal/mg .
I would be curious what the pH after you've added those items. 6 to 7 is a very large difference. Think earthquakes here, kinda same principle. Getting away without watching pH can be done, but needs to be set up right to do so. Also, as the plant eats and excretes, pH can change "in the pot".

How are you testing pH?
Looks like calcium to me. Your under QBs, so chances are your calcium/ magnesium needs are above norm, but I don't see a cal/mg in your feeds. Epsom can be used early for mg, but you wanna drop that in flower, because then your getting to much sulfur. Still, no calcium... bite the bullet and get a cal/mg .
I would be curious what the pH after you've added those items. 6 to 7 is a very large difference. Think earthquakes here, kinda same principle. Getting away without watching pH can be done, but needs to be set up right to do so. Also, as the plant eats and excretes, pH can change "in the pot".

How are you testing pH?
Thanks. I use an apera ph tester that I calibrate often. I thought the range for soil was 6.0 - 7.0? I usually water in the 6.5 - 7.0 range on there. The biotabs line details that you do not need to test the ph as it uses the microbes to make the nutrients available to the plants though I still ph test the water. I think that the biotabs line has the calcium with magnesium in what you put in the pot and I use tap water and things like coconut water that is detailed to have some of the calcium with magnesium in it. I also plan to use buildabloom in flower 1 time per week and that is detailed to have calcium with magnesium in it. I use the autopots watering system and I want to water with tap water only in it. I do a hand water 1 time per week. If I put epsom in the water that 1 time per week do you think that would be enough on there?
Thanks. I use an apera ph tester that I calibrate often. I thought the range for soil was 6.0 - 7.0? I usually water in the 6.5 - 7.0 range on there. The biotabs line details that you do not need to test the ph as it uses the microbes to make the nutrients available to the plants though I still ph test the water. I think that the biotabs line has the calcium with magnesium in what you put in the pot and I use tap water and things like coconut water that is detailed to have some of the calcium with magnesium in it. I also plan to use buildabloom in flower 1 time per week and that is detailed to have calcium with magnesium in it. I use the autopots watering system and I want to water with tap water only in it. I do a hand water 1 time per week. If I put epsom in the water that 1 time per week do you think that would be enough on there?
6-7 is a rough for soil figure. Most I believe hold 6.4 to 6.6 or so. When I use Epsom it is at 1 teaspoon per gallon or 5mm per what 4.2 l ? Also, having the soil do it all is asking a lot of 3 gallons.
6-7 is a rough for soil figure. Most I believe hold 6.4 to 6.6 or so. When I use Epsom it is at 1 teaspoon per gallon or 5mm per what 4.2 l ? Also, having the soil do it all is asking a lot of 3 gallons.
Thanks. Do you use it as a foliar spray or do you water with it? I read a few websites that recommend 1 tablespoon per gallon but most of those mention it as a foliar spray. I would rather do it in the hand watering 1 time per week for it on there.
Thats is what under fed leaves look like. That is not a calcium issue or a magnesium issue.. There are no rust colored spots on those leaves. Calcium and Magnesium issues both leave rust colored spots on the leaves. Calcium and magnesium issues also have leaves that curl upwards and that are deformed or mishaped at the tips. Calcium is also an "immobile" nutrient and it's issues will effect the newer growth first. Magnesium is a "mobile nutrient" and issues start on older leaves 1st. It's important to learn what each deficiency looks like. Very important.

In my experience, this leaf fading is because that plant was a little hungry in the beginning stages of life.. Now that it has grown in size and established it's root zone, it's starting to get more nutrients. I would not worry too much about it right now. Just watch the new growth carefully. It should fine. If it shows the same sort of leaf fading then there may be an issue with the timing that bio tabs are releasing nutrients. Remember, bio tabs have "slow release" nutrients. The plant should grow out of that issue. Those few leaves will always look like that, but the new growth should be fine. This is the healthiest plant picture I have seen you post yet! Great job. Keep it up. You are off tp a decent start! Just keep watching the the plant like you are. You are doing the right things this time. As soon as you see an issue, post it and ask questions. I see this same leaf fade on my plants pretty often because I purposely under feed or leave them in small pots too long. She will grow of it.
6-7 is a rough for soil figure. Most I believe hold 6.4 to 6.6 or so. When I use Epsom it is at 1 teaspoon per gallon or 5mm per what 4.2 l ? Also, having the soil do it all is asking a lot of 3 gallons.
Asking the soil to it all is exactly what he's trying to do. Hes on the right track. The rhizosphere of a 3 gallon pot is the same as the rhizosphere in a 30 gallon pot. In organic growing, the ph is naturally adjusted by the soil life. I think you may be thinking of "no till" in a 3 gallon pot. That may be a little difficult for a new grower, but definitely still possible. A ph between 6-7 is perfectly fine for any soil. It doesn't matter because once it hits it root zone, the ph will be adjusted to whatever the plant like it to be at.
Thats is what under fed leaves look like. That is not a calcium issue or a magnesium issue.. There are no rust colored spots on those leaves. Calcium and Magnesium issues both leave rust colored spots on the leaves. Calcium and magnesium issues also have leaves that curl upwards and that are deformed or mishaped at the tips. Calcium is also an "immobile" nutrient and it's issues will effect the newer growth first. Magnesium is a "mobile nutrient" and issues start on older leaves 1st. It's important to learn what each deficiency looks like. Very important.

In my experience, this leaf fading is because that plant was a little hungry in the beginning stages of life.. Now that it has grown in size and established it's root zone, it's starting to get more nutrients. I would not worry too much about it right now. Just watch the new growth carefully. It should fine. If it shows the same sort of leaf fading then there may be an issue with the timing that bio tabs are releasing nutrients. Remember, bio tabs have "slow release" nutrients. The plant should grow out of that issue. Those few leaves will always look like that, but the new growth should be fine. This is the healthiest plant picture I have seen you post yet! Great job. Keep it up. You are off tp a decent start! Just keep watching the the plant like you are. You are doing the right things this time. As soon as you see an issue, post it and ask questions. I see this same leaf fade on my plants pretty often because I purposely under feed or leave them in small pots too long. She will grow of it.
Thanks. I do thank you for the help with my posts. That is nice to hear as I have had problems with my first 2 grows and I really want this grow to go easier. I am new to this hobby and would really like to have plants that do not have yellow leaves on it. I will watch the plant and hopefully it will not be a problem for the plant for it on there.
You may even want to watch this thread..

It is our Bio Tabs sponsored grow off. Every grower is using the bio tabs kits. Some are using auto pots just like you. There are a lot of pics of plants on bio tabs and people sharing how they water and when. A bunch of good info in there if you want to see people growing the same way you are right now.