Outdoor Does this 43 Day old auto look alright?

May 20, 2014
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This is my 43 day old (from germination) anesthesia auto from pyramid seeds. At 43 days it's only this big. It was inside under 200w dual spectrum cfl for the first couple of weeks, then moved outside (I'm in the UK) its now in a greenhouse outside and has been for a few days, the grow seems to have accelerated since its been in there. From other peoples images and journals, my plant should be a lot bigger and bushier by now, but its only this big. Could anyone estimate how big it will get before it dies and how much yield of could get off it? I was looking for around 20-25 grams. Thanks,


I have used a sharpie pen as a scale reference :)

Hi Murkerr, i'm no export on autos or indoor and have very little experience with weed in general but am a keen gardener/plantsman in general, and would say that they it does seem a little on the small side. I'm also UK based and three weeks (22 days) into my first grow and my plants are similar or slightly bigger. See here for more: https://www.autoflower.org/f6/outdoor-uk-first-time-journal-ref-34201.html. Some of the moderators maybe able to give you some better opinion, but I would ignore the 'rules' a little bit and do whatever the plant responds too at this stage. If its reacting well to being in a greenhouse/natural light, then let it have as much as it can! etc. You want as much upward growth as you can get now so try and get the little lady to put on some weight. A little bit of nitrogen based feed might help too. Good luck!

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Hi Murkerr, i'm no export on autos or indoor and have very little experience with weed in general but am a keen gardener/plantsman in general, and would say that they it does seem a little on the small side. I'm also UK based and three weeks (22 days) into my first grow and my plants are similar or slightly bigger. See here for more: https://www.autoflower.org/f6/outdoor-uk-first-time-journal-ref-34201.html. Some of the moderators maybe able to give you some better opinion, but I would ignore the 'rules' a little bit and do whatever the plant responds too at this stage. If its reacting well to being in a greenhouse/natural light, then let it have as much as it can! etc. You want as much upward growth as you can get now so try and get the little lady to put on some weight. A little bit of nitrogen based feed might help too. Good luck!
Hi Murkerr, i'm no export on autos or indoor and have very little experience with weed in general but am a keen gardener/plantsman in general, and would say that they it does seem a little on the small side. I'm also UK based and three weeks (22 days) into my first grow and my plants are similar or slightly bigger. See here for more: https://www.autoflower.org/f6/outdoor-uk-first-time-journal-ref-34201.html. Some of the moderators maybe able to give you some better opinion, but I would ignore the 'rules' a little bit and do whatever the plant responds too at this stage. If its reacting well to being in a greenhouse/natural light, then let it have as much as it can! etc. You want as much upward growth as you can get now so try and get the little lady to put on some weight. A little bit of nitrogen based feed might help too. Good luck!

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Hi Murkerr, i'm no export on autos or indoor and have very little experience with weed in general but am a keen gardener/plantsman in general, and would say that they it does seem a little on the small side. I'm also UK based and three weeks (22 days) into my first grow and my plants are similar or slightly bigger. See here for more: https://www.autoflower.org/f6/outdoor-uk-first-time-journal-ref-34201.html. Some of the moderators maybe able to give you some better opinion, but I would ignore the 'rules' a little bit and do whatever the plant responds too at this stage. If its reacting well to being in a greenhouse/natural light, then let it have as much as it can! etc. You want as much upward growth as you can get now so try and get the little lady to put on some weight. A little bit of nitrogen based feed might help too. Good luck!
Thanks man, you seem like you know what your on about when it comes to horticulture :) I'll try and make some nitrogen rich fertiliser, have you got any suggestions on some organic stuff that is nitrogen rich and would work well mixed with water for her? Thanks! Good luck with your grow :)
Has she always been in that pot or did you transplant her into there after a week or so ?
She's always been in this pot, but like I said as a seedling inside under lights, but then moved outdoors and the last few days she's been in outdoor greenhouse. I think the change from 18/6 inside under lights to outdoors shocked her, maybe she can recover :(
She looks healthy, let her grow! She will adjust to the outdoors quickly and you should see some rapid growth. I've recently moved some outside and experienced pretty much the same thing. After about 4-5 days, growth took of!
this is my auto kush 55 days old from seed outside since birth in the uk
WP_20140628_019.jpg Yours does not look well, I find soil quality and temperature are the main factors in getting your auto off to the best start here in the uk
As far as organic sources for nitrogen you can pick up some worm castings, used coffee grounds, alfalfa meal, or blood meal.