I have made tincture so many ways....
First, VG is a poor carrier, and the tincture is weaker so you need more. I find it is not that quick, but I brave the alcohol sting, myself.
Of all the oils,
MCT oil is the best transporter that I know of.
Your body wants to absorb and burn it as fuel immediately, so it gets into the blood fairly quick. (booze is a bit quicker).
MCT is a good carrier so you can make it pretty strong, just keep the viscosity really thin.
I found that boiling the alcohol extract down to a tar-like consistency works pretty good. Budder or shatter takes a bit longer to dissolve
Also, dissolving the goop into smaller batches of warm oil at a time and then finally combining them is quicker and easier than chasing a blob around a larger volume of oil. In the end you stir less.
Sometimes I like to make both and mix them 50-50. I give the dropper bottle a little shake and take it sublingual. Still burns tho.
I scored some bargain live-resin, I might try blending some in for the terps.