New Grower Does anyone have any experience with Med Gom 1.0?

No mold here. One of the advantages of a reservoir pot is that the dirt near the surface stays dry. Between that and using a couple small fans 24/7 blowing on the plant, I think mold issues are history.

The plant is doing well. Some of the hairs have gone red, and there is some yellowing on some leaves. I wish I had recorded when I started this plant, it's by far the fastest plant I've seen. Buds are filling nicely.
I took a couple pics, but couldn't figure out how to bring them here. Have to say I am not loving the new software.
The big leaves turned yellow, and were falling off. Worse, they were blocking the light to what was still green. So I removed them. I slide the pot sideways, to give a better angle, and then put a paperback under the pot to tilt it, and give an even better angle for the light to reach the lower areas.

I thought about training the plant, but I haven't had the best of luck doing that, and the seed was expensive. I'd describe the smell as piney with a touch of citrus and hash. It's getting nice and frosty. No idea what day it is, as a guess about 10 weeks, but that's just a guess. It gets another week, give or take a few.

I sanded a Pyramid Super Auto Hash this morning, and it's soaking in a cup of water. I am a big fan of gently sanding the end of the seed. I had a lot of trouble getting one strain going. I sanded one, and it popped the next morning. Granted, most seeds don't need it, but there's a limited amount of energy in the seed. Using less of that energy to break out means more to start growing, in any case, it works for me.

I need to start a thread about CBD extracts. People are selling them now, and if anyone knows anything about them, I'd like to know. I need to do a couple small test extractions, but I plan on combining the Medgom with another (more productive) plant. And then adding some CBD extract.

My wife has back pain, and if I can get it so it doesn't get her really stoned, maybe I can get her off the meds. My first test extraction will be with Medgom and Yodas Dragon Breath.
I will watch for the CDB Extraction thread. This is the direction I am heading too. Good luck, Iate.
To clarify, I am thinking of buying CBD extract to add to the coconut oil extractions I make. You can't get everclear here, I tried to do it with 151 rum, but it was awful. I bought a bottle of glycerin, but my oil extractions were so successful I never bothered using it.

This is what I am thinking about trying...

The thread is in the medical forum, and it looks like these commercial extracts are so new no one has any experience with them.
The hemp oil has arrived. I need to cure the Medgom, and try a couple small test extractions first... but I have it.

After shipping it was about 40 bucks, and it's tiny. It'll go into about 12 oz of extract. That was the plan, but now that I am looking at it, that's only a few extra milligrams of CBD per dose.
Maybe I should make a smaller batch.
Still haven't tried the Medgom by itself. But I did make some extract that combined Yodas Dragon Breath with some Medgom. About 2/3 YDB.

The result was I was more messed up than stoned. There was a feeling of being stoned, but not a lot. With most pot, you feel messed up, and it makes you cautious. This is more like booze, you don't feel all that impaired, but you are. I play Mechwarrior Online. I am pretty bad at it, but it's fun. My performance gets worse when I get stoned, no surprise, it's really hard and you need to pay very close attention. But with the new blend, I didn't feel all that messed up, but I was completely useless at the game.

I'll have to try them separately, but the Medgom needs to cure for a while. Big thumbs up to both, tho.

This was good for my circulation, which also made it good for sex. Did I mention thumbs up?

Here's my little Med GOM 1.0.
These buds smell exquisite. I can't wait to try them out =)

Could have maybe gone longer but I'm intending on making oil with this one and it was calling to me. Stripped down to the bones it will probably be about an ounce once it's dried. I find it kind of funny looking but the buds look and smell soooo good.
I think when I grow that again, I think I'll use a larger pot and grow 3 or 4 at the same time.

When I grew out, after the big leaves had all died, I tilted the plant because there was so much still green. Tilting it allowed the light to get to the lower areas. I even got a little extra growth out of it.