Outdoor Do i take seedlings out into direct sun light?



After germinating seeds indoors and planting them into the solo cups can i leave them in direct sunlight when they sprout or will it be to much for them.
autoflower strain
Hey there Justin
It's recommended that you 'harden' them
Everyday take them outside for a couple of hours
then eventually they can stay outside
I would suggest putting them in an area with filtered or indirect light for the first day or two before moving them into full sun.
If they germ in full sun they can stay in full sun ... If you germed inside then you MUST harden off... For clones and seedlings I like a three or four day hardening off where the first day no direct sun, second day partial sun, third day filtered sun and fourth day partly cloudy day... If you fourth day ends up being a completely sunny day then a couple hours of direct sun then shade and then sun... Be safe, then you dont lose.
Good to know cres, I generally germinate in a paper towel and then plant outdoors; this time I'm keeping the sprouts indoors because of a rainstorm coming through the area