DIY DIY Worm Castings on the cheap and ez



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MWsmoker , glad I could be of some help...
I've been wanting to start a worm bed thanks for the info :) win win for me since I love to fish :)

To get your base shreaded cardboard , peat moss. Then add fruits, veggies, coffee grounds ect..Dont ever add FISH, MEAT OR DAIRY to your worm bins.. Then grab you some red wigglers from the net... Your worm population will double it about 3 months. Here is a little info from worm factory..
Generally we recommend that most people start off with 1 pound of red wigglers (approximately 1000 worms). However, if you have an overabundance of food waste to start with, then we would suggest starting off with 2 pounds of red wigglers.

Red wiggler worms can eat at least half their body weight each day. You can calculate how many pounds of worms you need based on how much food scraps you will add each day on average.

For example: if you have 1/4 pound of food waste each day, you will need to also add the same amount of bedding (ie. coir, shredded newspaper), which brings your total to 1/2 pound. This means that you would need 1 pound of red wigglers. As the food waste decomposes the worms will readily eat the smelly bits, leaving your Worm Factory with a rich, earthy aroma.

Also note that red wigglers will reproduce in the Worm Factory. The worms will reach mature breeding age in 60-90 days and under perfect conditions can produce a cocoon every 7-10 days. It will take about three weeks for a cocoon to mature and it will hatch into several baby worms.