DIY DIY Worm Castings on the cheap and ez

Apr 15, 2013
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I have kept small worm bed for a few years (kids love it ) and have access to worm castings at all time ..I live in a super small town and the local hardware store gets about 5 bags of castings a year and I think the same guy buys them all.. So I got sick of trying to beat him to them. Its easy as hell no matter if you live in apartment or home.. I keep a bin in the house during the winter and if you put your food waste under the the surface it wont stink.. I was skeptical that it would stink but it does not...

To get your starter worms you can get them online, bait store and I think wally has them.. Or you can gather your own, which is what I do... Its easy if you have them living in your yard , just look for little holes in the ground around your house or park.. Here is how I get them to come out of the ground with out having to go out at night with a flash light to catch them..

As far as the worm bed/bin goes, here is an easy and cheap way to do it.. I have a large bed outside, but this is similar to the one I kept in the house or garage through the winter..

There ya go, your never ending worm casting supply and the local fisherman buy worms from me .. Very fun project if you have kids also

Oh and Night Crawlers or Red Wigglers are what you need in your bin.. Those skinny slimy ones that come out during a rain wont work.

Red wigglers ROCK a compost bin, but pretty hard to find in nature.. You can get them here..
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I am just trying to help the community and if it helps my post count, even better yet :dance:
Well how much of your homemade castings do you plan on using in your 32oz. cup? :cough:
Posts merged.
Well hell.. Your no fun.. I dont post much and try to give back and also boost my post and I get smacked.. I will crawl back in my worm hole and just continue reading... Can you say BOOK WORM.. Might have 50 post by next yrs 32oz grow boooo
Sorry, but artificially inflating your post count isn't fair to the other members who have put in months, even years, of contributions to the forum.
I wasnt.. I was posting info as I was gathering it and replying to questions and the post count is a joke from the 32oz thread as I have already posted over there that I would be playing along from a distance... But you made a judgement call and I will respect that.. Now back to the worm hole.. Please merge this with the above, so that I am not inflating my post..
Sorry LilMonk...thought it was harmless but Muddy made good points. Engage with others around the forum, read journals, ask questions to further your knowledge and your post count will be to 50 without you even thinking about it. Good luck :peace: