Sorry for the delay guys I almost forgot about this, but yes you just rest it at the top of the jar, or if you catch the edge of the paper of the boveda you can hang it off the inside edge of the glass! #protip!
But I would wait till you get a steady reading where you like (65-60 rh % range) for a 3 or 4 day or up to a week. Then drop it in and store or switch to a normal lid and work your way down your jar inventory to get a perfect dry and cure by just knowing how to read :kusht:
Oh no worries! I more consider this a open source thing so any input for the greater good towards "The Perfect Dry N' Cure", The mechs. are awesome for zombie storage, I just dont trust them over in china for consist. as opposed to electronics when a computer just zap calibrates it on a line. Other wise I must have been John Connor in my past life cuz anything thing with a circuit usually hates me, but these are pretty bulletproof so far with testing and pretty dam accurate with spot checking ready batches of buds from paper bag drying.
I'll make sure I sub this if anyone else comments, and thanks again for the warm reception
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