DIY DIY Bioreactor - Brewer!


Jun 8, 2016
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This will be a bit of a WIP thread as I don't have access to my tools or the workspace needed for the construction at the moment.

Posting the shopping list and theory here rather than scraps of paper lol!

I can compile a start to finish diy later..

So here it is!

Basically a fancy name for a composter!

I'm going a bit further but keeping it outside the lab so to say.

2 things I will be trying to achieve, firstly an all in one Brewer, capable of accelerated composting of basically any organic matter that will yield a pathogen free concentrated organic plant food (both liquid and solid) in about 1 week of brewing.

Secondly is to specifically Brew N, P or K components.

I will probably make a total or 3 of these units.

1 as a mixed Brewer
1 specific to producing P
1 specific to producing K

I already have production of N nailed by aquaponics and a pond bio filter, I'll cover this along the way but fish water will be the base water that my home made P and K will be add to.

End goal is to make my own hydro food organic and with known NPK levels or ppm etc.

Organic hydro can be a disaster but this should work for any medium.

If I can get it to work I can in theory get a carbon footprint of what it takes to grow some buds lol

Saying your 6zips are carbon neutral haha!

Our soil man @hecno and I have bashed some theory around, I know he has some of his findings to share, thanks for being on board bro!

A few links here before I loose them

Potassium-Solubilizing Bacteria and Their Application ... - Springer Link › content › pdf

Shopping list to come for the stuff needed to make the Brewer

Design is in my noggin, will sketch it out on paper and eventually CAD

Shopping list so far..

- Sealable drum (like the blue ones or home beer Brewer)
- electric blanket
- BBQ rotisserie (modify paddles for agitation)
- masacating pump?
- air pump and stones
- hoses, fittings etc
- home brew bubbler site (to see gasses being given off)
- temp probes + temp gun
- timers/plc/rasberry Pi's
- aquarium bio balls
- heat mat+yoga mat (as base)
- inline uv sterilization (Incase I need to nuke from orbit!)

- NPK test kit.. the Digi ones are expensive! So probably can't monitor in real time in the early days lol!

Ok so that's what I have at the moment, don't be to cruel!!!

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wow nice initiative!
I do think the approach is a bit off-track - the text you linked to the bioreactor description mentions how vermicompost as opposed to the bioreactor method isn't sterile and that throws up a whole series of alarm bells.
Sterile compost isn't compost!
The whole point of compost is to breed beneficial microbial communities, so it's anything BUT sterile haha
Sorry I don't have time to look into the concept and implementation more right now, but it may be a great thing you're not getting round to actually doing this right now and chances are, you'll change your mind in favor of something simpler and more on point :D

Here's a nice resource from Cornell that could help you understand the basic principles of composting for those beneficial results:

Whereby they are easily summarized to
  • good quality input materials in good C:N ratios and with good varied structure
  • aeration
  • humidity
  • temperature
and following the Goldilocks principle of not too much, not too little, but juuust right amounts of each! :D
Not looking for sterile but more or less a method of pasturisation
Yeah well have fun with that, that's way out of my scope of action - and knowledge :crying: