New Grower Ditch The Dealer - The NiceNEasy Way To The £20 Ounce (Growing Guide).

Randy, did a quick search on that and it looks like many (if not most) UK internet service providers are blocking websites that it considers to be malicious or endorse copyright infringement (yeah, that sounds like AFN alright :Piggy Hug:) I think it's more of an effort to shut down P2P and file sharing sites, but I'm not on the up and up on UK piracy laws.

However, if you find you can't log in to a lot of sites that you would like to browse; you can bypass those restrictions by connecting through a proxy or VPN. A proxy acts as a hub computer for you to send your browser requests through. So instead of you directly trying to access the internet page, you log into the proxy server (which could be anywhere in the world,) and the proxy server actually pulls up the web page and displays it to you. A VPN is a virtual private network and works somewhat similar to the proxy, where you can browse public networks while enjoying private network protections.

I dont use either so I dont have any personal recommendations on a particular service provider, but if you're frustrated it might be worth a little research and looking into. Good luck brother! :D:

got to be careful when useing a proxy or vpn sometimes

my isp suspended me for useing a vpn , they told me straight out they wanted me on/in their servers only

just a heads up

peace :Cool:
got to be careful when useing a proxy or vpn sometimes

my isp suspended me for using a vpn , they told me straight out they wanted me on/in their servers only

just a heads up

peace :Cool:

ISPs that condition/restrict protocols such as VPN (used widely in the corporate world) should be boycotted IMHO.
They should NOT have suspended you without due notice (it's against the law in my country anyway).

ISP's have no right to mess with the service they provide - the ONLY REAL reason they justify these actions is not about copyright infringement, but simply making sure they don't have to spend too much money maintaining their infrastructure to cope with the bandwidth people require these days.
Sometimes, it IS due to corporate monsters telling the courts how to do their jobs and pressuring the ISP's with lawsuits and 'moral shame' (in the case of p2p sharing).
In the case of a VPN, ISPs find it technically difficult to throttle/mangle VPN transmission packets. Instead of bothering their arse, it's easier to ban it.

ISPs, like mobile network providers, are backwards piss-takers on the whole.
They now have as much power to infringe our rights as modern western governments.

Rant over.... breath in... breath out.

Brilliant grow guide niceneasy!! Thank you:stylez rasta smoke:
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What a kind effort to go to. Im very grateful !!
got to be careful when useing a proxy or vpn sometimes

my isp suspended me for useing a vpn , they told me straight out they wanted me on/in their servers only

just a heads up

peace :Cool:

Never heard of that before. Why would an ISP even care, your connection still passes thru their servers first and all encrypted data does also. something sounds fishy about this. not you, but with you ISP. In fact, they shouldn't even know what your using, unless they are spying on you.......
Also, FYI, ask the proxy or VPN provider if they keep logs, if they do, DITCH them! The good ones keep no logs, thus have nothing to surrender to the law. Avoid U.S. based VPNs, etc. they all are compromised.