Indoor DiscretePete Vs Roark

Nice looking girl man! Here's mine on day 17 from breaking soil....
Nice dark green color. Sturdy looking leaves. Whats the humidity there?
Way too low like 25-35% lately. Weathers been horrible. I see less than 30 often though. Another reason I need to stop doing my perpetual in one tent when I have two lol can control compare for plant stages better. She's a good distance from the fan. Not getting smashed by it so either high temps yesterday and or the constant low RH ....darn weather....I haven't set aside enough to get proper climate control and stuff yet but one day! Lol
Try 16% as the high. That's Colorado.I've been loving the clouds. Got me up to 26!
Oh man I thought 24% today was rough. I dunno if you've got something to help but if your by a bigger name pharmacy store check out the Vick's vapor machines for in home use. Just don't use the Vick's lol might have to fill twice a day but it's cheap and 2 could b fairly efficient. $10-15 for the off brand one the store itself makes. They don't last long if u let them dry out a lot but they work bro