Outdoor Direct sunlight issue

Hot summer direct sunlight?!

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Aug 30, 2018
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Hi guys
This is my first thread on your lovely community.
I'm growing White widow Royal Auto under 400 watt HID and using Coco and perlite as medium. But I want to change my HID to LED grow light.
Because this is summer and HID produces lots of heat and as everyone says sun light is a great light source for plant I move my girls under direct sunlight about 6 hours in a day.
But I realized little yellow spot is overwhelming my leaves.( I will post the image ).
I think in one hand direct sunlight is a great light source but in another hand it has lots of heat and miosture which
are not great for the plant.

My question is:
1. Is Hot direct summer sunlight sweeted for weed plants?!

I'm 90 percent sure the symptoms is because of summer direct sunlight.



  • IMG_20180831_093107.jpg
    82.2 KB · Views: 79
Welcome to our Home @Frisbee :headbang:...do you have a magnifying glass to check the back of the affected leaves...when I See mottling like that I check for red spider...but they are tiny...so you need a magnifier.

I've not seen that kind of problem due to the sun...:d5:

Thanks so much
Yeah some little black dominant stains are moving on the leaf.
What are they and what can I do?!?!


  • IMG_20180831_181301.jpg
    85 KB · Views: 76
Yeah they are exactly tiny little red spiders @Mossy
Of course the first and more secure solution is to keep my girls indoor
But can I do something when those spiders have taken my plant already?!?!
Good luck getting rid of them......... organic treatments like Neem oil work to kill one or two generations then the little bastards will dine on it.... you need three or four different oils, spray it with one, 24 hours later, when the eggs start hatching, spray it with another.then the third at least. Then spray every other day for 2 weeks.Then spray once a week. Switch to 70% isopropyl alcohol diluted 50% with water and spray weekly for the next 2 months. And spray your tent, the walls everything. You then might get rid of them.......... Its taken me a year to kill all them F'n little terrorists..... And I've tried every trick out there. I finally skipped the oils, soaps don't do crap but wash your plants....... The alcohol sucks the moister out of the mites and kills them, they can't develop resistance to it. It causes no harm at all to your plants and evaporates quickly, leaving no residue. I skip all the other treatments now and only use the alcohol solution. I continue to spray weekly and will for a few more months........... just to be sure! Spider mites are THE worst problem a grower can face!
I'm growing autos and they ages only 70 days.
Could these Spiders harm my autos in this 70 days period?!?!?
These spiders start to infect the plants when they are at 30 days.
For reasons unknown to me, spidermites are most active during flower. You can at least keep them under control using a 50/50 mix of 70% Isopropyl Alcohol and water. Be sure to spray the bottoms of the leaves do this again 2 days later. I'd be ready to chop soon if I were you. I'd also spray the plants good with water an hour or so before you harvest to keep from spreading them around.

I'm growing autos and they ages only 70 days.
Could these Spiders harm my autos in this 70 days period?!?!?
These spiders start to infect the plants when they are at 30 days.