Dinafem DinaMed auto CBD and cheese auto CBD with autopots and biotabs

Day 17
Gave them some boomboom spray this morning

I am still not convinced by the temps and although plants are ok, I think it will start taking its toll st some point, so I have raised lights to about 20 inches and put it on 400w

Also the res temps are not where I want them, they have reached 26c and this is outside of the room, I will have to put some frozen bottles in it and I am looking for a second hand chiller.

They are due a water as pot is getting dry now, so at this point I would probably put them on their autopots but I may just water from the top later.
I have the airdomes running now

With my res water temps rising and dropping, am I ok to use this water still. I have had this water sat for 3 weeks.
Or should I change it, I have had the pump running through it.
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Can’t help with the temps other than what I have already rambled on about. It’s a pain I work around every summer.

I’m not sure why you are worried about your reservoir temperature or am I misunderstanding? This isn’t DWC and your roots won’t be submerged in water so I see no need to try and maintain a water temp especially indoors. Your growing medium should be enough of a temperature buffer. I have never worried about my rez temps indoors and I also grow outdoors with autopots and have my reservoir inside a greenhouse where the highs and low in my reservoirs are quite extreme and the ladies sit in trays exposed to the elements. A3AFAE6A-212A-4A78-AD9D-782FAFCDB1DC.jpeg I have opened the lid during the day and it’s raining inside my rez. :smoking: In addition, if you are using BioTabs and feeding straight water from the reservoir there is nothing in it to go bad like nutrients. My nutrient solution sits in the rez for up to two weeks at temps from 13°C to 40°C outside the reservoir. I keep it closed up so the water won’t evaporate increasing my EC.

As for your water that has been sitting, it’s just water it will be fine. As long as there is nothing alien growing in there that is. :rofl:
I over think and be cautious at times.

I was at the understand that 21c is the best water temp for oxygen etc.
And not to go any lower than 18c, mainly because lower temps can shock the roots.

The plants would effectively be sat in that water with them being in the autopots.
But considering what you have said about how yo7 have your autopots then maybe I am over worrying

I just want everything dialled in then any issues I can ascertain exactly what has caused it, usually from my fuck up ;)

I am looking at cobs and quantum boards as we speak. Need to find someone in the uk to do them for me, as I would rather pay a bit more from someone who is an “expert” at them, then do it myself at this stage

Yea the HPS in the winter is perfect, suppose take this weather away (we don’t have it often) and if I avoided summer than I could prob continue with the HPS

I do like the efficiency of cob and quantum but no doubt I would have to supplement the lack of heat with a radiator in Winter.
Catch 22 suppose
I do like the efficiency of cob and quantum but no doubt I would have to supplement the lack of heat with a radiator in Winter.
I know growers that just throw the hps back in during the winter to help with heating the area.
Day 20
Cheese cbd auto 2 has been stretchy from a little sprout, doesnt matter what i do she wants to reach for the sky bless her. must be some type of pheno
where as cbd auto 1 has tighter inter nodes and is more bushy

they are first two at the front

just to compare the growth in 7 days

day13 v day20.png


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Day 25

Plenty of pics coming, it’s hard to capture on the camera, never mind you interpreting if there is or what issue there may be...

I think they may have had to much N as they were quite green to start with and I have noticed that between the veins they show some discolouring, like a dirty look. Some of the tips are also brown and rusty
Google tells me this could be magnesium.

Anyway, will see if anything else happens but usually I spot things early but I never know what to do to combat it and then it has to come out more before I can act and generally I just leave it haha

Anyways some pictures


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Pics continued


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Day 30

sorry this will be a long one....

temperatures have been steady and leaf temperature has been around 23 to 25C so i would expect the plants to be dealing with that ok.
although one plant especially is showing heat stress but that could be a combination of some other deficiencies or something eating the plant.

i did find a tiny white moving insect, i didnt have a camera on me at the time so i killed it. it was quite small, best i can see it could be a thirp

Note: this is a picture taken from the below website, and thats the best i can show you in comparison to the one i found, although i couldnt look through microscope and killed it


https://www.growweedeasy.com/cannabis-thrips also some of the leaves look similar to to what is shown on the link, maybe you will see the resemblence

i do find some tiny white specs on my leaves, that dont move that i can get rid of, i do wonder if these are eggs or something, i am sure i got a picture of them, it might be nothing.

here are the temps over the last month. (note the outdoor module is above the light at the top of the back of the groom, and the indoor is on the floor to the right middle of the groom) i have two other hydrometers hanging which are similar readings etc. so the ambient temps of the room should be accurate




water temps and PH level (note i am using biotabs which says to not adjust the PH of the water)

now for some pictures of the plants

here is this little white spec i was talking about, which didnt move (found a few of these over the past week or so, wasnt sure what they were so would get rid of them but sticking to my finder and throwing away kind of thing), it might be nothing


i also found this, but it could have been one of the flower things i knocked off or it may be something else, what you think?


to be continued, as i have an issue uploading files..............
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