Dinafem DinaMed auto CBD and cheese auto CBD with autopots and biotabs

The biggest task this time of year it trying to keep those temps down. Your doing a great job keeping on top of the heat and all plants look really happy and healthy.

Keep up the good fight against this heat :pass:

Thanks for the update mate I'll drop back in the next :bong:

All the best

Day 10
Just a little update.

Temps have been hot this past week so I have tried to make sure the ladies remain in good condition.

They have only had approx 2 litres of water per pot in the 10 days including their first coco wet.
I have applied boom boom spray twice, once about 6 days ago and the other this morning while temps don’t go soaring, although it sits warm enough in there approx 28c at 10:30am.

I gave them 1ml of boom boom spray to 250ml of water. Gave them a little spray, front and back and put the propogator lids back on, so they can have some nice humidity for a bit, when the teams heat up more I will remove the lids and let the air get around them and replenish.

I have been running them under the lids most of the time and giving them approx 2 hours a day for air movement and to strengthen their stems. I don’t like the humidity to much, so don’t want to take them out of the propogator lids just yet, I had humidity at under 30 yesterday when the heat was kicking in at 35c

I have been trying to cool the room in different ways, portable air on (this didn’t work as it was pumping hot air back in, even when I put the exhaust to the carbon filter.. I have put frozen drink bottles in there etc, put them in a plastic bag and put my intake duct into, so it blasted and cooled over the bottles. This seemed to help, but I am now after a cheap cooler so it will keep the ice cold for longer, I will stick a fan in the top of it and an exhaust so it blows the cold air out, that’s my next plan. Similar to this...

Anyways, here are the little ladies. I took the photos through the groom glasses.

A1470A7A-6764-497B-926B-D877DA73FE39.jpeg D96C4756-142E-49A9-A4B0-5DDE78AD2080.jpeg 9766BAED-3B10-4DD5-A0B3-B5383949684A.jpeg 7A0973B3-5527-4513-AF7C-7DB45C6B3D47.jpeg 2653B80F-5069-4ED9-918B-84ABAAB7D398.jpeg
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quick update

i have built myself an air cooler. i have not tested it out properly but in total it cost me £17.50 and i could always make use of the fan.




in theory this should work or at least help at times when i am really struggling with heat

now on to the heat, here is some info on my temps and humidity over the last few days. on the 30th June my ambient temps went to approx 33C or if you prefer 91.4F
my leaf temps went to approx 30 at most but generally was around 28c and in the evening it would drop to around 23 to 25c leaf temps
humidity 2nd to 9th JulyPNG.PNG

temps 2nd to 9th july.PNG

i am running 24/0 400W MH but tonight have increased it to 600W while i have taken some photos with the lights off.
Wow that’s one hell of a stealth grow room. I made it easy on myself and became a hermit and don’t have to worry about stealth inside the house anymore. :rofl: That is an impressive array of toys you have there. I usually recommend people start out a little simpler but if you plan on doing it for a while and have the money, then go for it.

Now if you can just get your temps under control because from what I’m seeing that is going to be your major issue once those girls get a little bigger. Right now they are just babies loving the warmth and humidity, soon they won’t be as forgiving. Some summers I have to shut my basement grow down because of the heat. I refuse to fight with 90°F+ anymore. I move it all to an upstairs bedroom where I have an air conditioning unit to help keep the temps in check.

Huge recommendation on your lights, look at COBs. I am running @BigSm0’s AutoCOBs and am amazed at how much cooler my tents are with these lights. These run cooler than my LEDs did so I’m sure they would improve your situation with that 600 watt. My 4 lights run at a total of 220watts and I believe they produce more efficient light than your 600 watt and most certainly run cooler. I would replace that thing with 4 of these and your groom would be golden, well actually bright white. :crying:These are some bright lights.

Here’s a slap for an amazing stealth groom :slap:
Nice work on the diy air cooler.. ladies looking very happy and healthy :pop:

Thank you kindly sir....I don’t think it will work as well as it will need to but worth a go.

Wow that’s one hell of a stealth grow room. I made it easy on myself and became a hermit and don’t have to worry about stealth inside the house anymore. :rofl: That is an impressive array of toys you have there. I usually recommend people start out a little simpler but if you plan on doing it for a while and have the money, then go for it.

Now if you can just get your temps under control because from what I’m seeing that is going to be your major issue once those girls get a little bigger. Right now they are just babies loving the warmth and humidity, soon they won’t be as forgiving. Some summers I have to shut my basement grow down because of the heat. I refuse to fight with 90°F+ anymore. I move it all to an upstairs bedroom where I have an air conditioning unit to help keep the temps in check.

Huge recommendation on your lights, look at COBs. I am running @BigSm0’s AutoCOBs and am amazed at how much cooler my tents are with these lights. These run cooler than my LEDs did so I’m sure they would improve your situation with that 600 watt. My 4 lights run at a total of 220watts and I believe they produce more efficient light than your 600 watt and most certainly run cooler. I would replace that thing with 4 of these and your groom would be golden, well actually bright white. :crying:These are some bright lights.
View attachment 926565

Here’s a slap for an amazing stealth groom :slap:

Thanks for the rep slap, much appreciated.
You are spot on with the temp issues, I have always suffered with them at some stage, especially because I don’t have much height clearance either.

I still need to perfect the room, I have a couple of ideas also

1) my exhaust is on the far side of the room, which has ducting either side of the exhaust fan. I can remove this by bringing the fan closer to the actual exhaust hole on the outside wall, thus removing the duct length and it would then be above the light, which I think would help with the heat exchange. (Although if I am looking at changing my light, then I need to consider clearance, at the moment that will work with my current light

2) move my intake, as again that is directly under the exhaust, so I can move that to the other corner it would be diagnol from the exhaust.

I can’t do these works until I stop this grow.

I will look into a new light, thanks
P.s haha about the room colour, good one...

Looking healthy you ask? They are looking fantastic!. Nice healthy plants at this early stage and don't look phased by the heat and humidity :pass:

Your room looks perfect and we are very happy to see our genetics being grown out so well :slap:

Keep up the great work my friend and I'll be back in on the next update :pass:

All the best

Thanks Mark,
Appreciate the slap on the back and you looking in


Looking healthy you ask? They are looking fantastic!. Nice healthy plants at this early stage and don't look phased by the heat and humidity :pass:

Your room looks perfect and we are very happy to see our genetics being grown out so well :slap:

Keep up the great work my friend and I'll be back in on the next update :pass:

All the best

Day 17
Gave them some boomboom spray this morning

I am still not convinced by the temps and although plants are ok, I think it will start taking its toll st some point, so I have raised lights to about 20 inches and put it on 400w

Also the res temps are not where I want them, they have reached 26c and this is outside of the room, I will have to put some frozen bottles in it and I am looking for a second hand chiller.

They are due a water as pot is getting dry now, so at this point I would probably put them on their autopots but I may just water from the top later.
I have the airdomes running now

With my res water temps rising and dropping, am I ok to use this water still. I have had this water sat for 3 weeks.
Or should I change it, I have had the pump running through it.



