Damn that is some genius there growing cannabis in with the corn!!
Very nice looking gals that's for sure Mongol :toke:
It's legal here but I'm worried about someone pinching it, I should plant corn in the backyard :smoking:
We love our corn here, but I grew it in an even hotter climate south of here and didn't much so it would just be a hiding spot. I think with short auto's I'll just put it with the 'maters if I do it.
@Dinafem-Mark if you don't mind me asking, and you don't sharing the info, do you feed veg nutes still for that first 7 days, and then to bloom or do you transition?
I'm trying to dial in my feeding schedule; I would hazard an opinion that the plant still needs decent N in that 14-21 days of stretch before going to a more P and K heavy feed and restricting N more after that stretch?

Transition my friend :thumbsup:


In veg I'm upto 4ml/l of veg feed + a root stimulator.

When I flip to bloom I'll stay in

4ml/l for the 1st 7 day's then

I'll start to do

3ml/l(grow) - 1ml/l(bloom) at day 7 of bloom.

Day 10 of bloom I'll be on

2ml/l of both veg and bloom feed + root stim and any other amendments.

Day 15 bloom I'll be on

1ml/l (grow) 3ml/l(bloom)

At day 21 of bloom I'll be totally of the veg feed to

4ml/l bloom feed, I'll drop the root stim back now and start a booster :pass:

Hope that helps my friend?

All the best :bong:

@RivetGrrl some shots of my last year outdoor adventures....











Just takes my breath away
Transition my friend :thumbsup:


In veg I'm upto 4ml/l of veg feed + a root stimulator.

When I flip to bloom I'll stay in

4ml/l for the 1st 7 day's then

I'll start to do

3ml/l(grow) - 1ml/l(bloom) at day 7 of bloom.

Day 10 of bloom I'll be on

2ml/l of both veg and bloom feed + root stim and any other amendments.

Day 15 bloom I'll be on

1ml/l (grow) 3ml/l(bloom)

At day 21 of bloom I'll be totally of the veg feed to

4ml/l bloom feed, I'll drop the root stim back now and start a booster :pass:

Hope that helps my friend?

All the best :bong:


Indeed you did, thank you for the information! :smoking:
:crying: Cheers DOG:bighug:but really it looks like they are blocked by something, also my last grow was like this and i don't get why. Last harvest was 40-60 gr/plant by veg time of 5 weeks normally i get more then 100 gr. from 1 plants.

You do your outdoor action again this year? Please:kissass:

Interesting, that's half your yield....
Lol Yeah hopefully I can to do some outdoor work this year.