great tip now you mention it my freinds dad used to always plant his cress like that straight on top with a light sprinkling of medium when they sprout
Reminder to myself: listen to the girls, it makes life much more easier!

So covered the pots again with clover seeds....


And throw a handfull of i to ground, because mobile did beep, beep...

Also noticed some light stressed plants with droopy leafes....


At 12k lux....

So back up with the lights and watch!

Happy Friday AFN!

What brand Lux meter you got @TheMongol ? And do you like it?
I'm sure you'll have better luck with the clover this time. If you have some fine vermiculite to sprinkle or any light media that will help hold seeds in place for watering and cover a little. This girl doesn't want to give ya bad advice! Hate to bring bad news but you won't grow much on your floor my man.... :crying:
Looking good can't wait to see the gals take off :biggrin:
Nice nice, what purpose does the clover serve btw? I know it has some pest resistant properties outdoors and can be great to mix with your is it for the same indoor?

Tidy little op (besides the clover seeds all over the place, but dw I'm still picking basil seeds out my carpet lol)
Nice nice, what purpose does the clover serve btw? I know it has some pest resistant properties outdoors and can be great to mix with your is it for the same indoor?

Tidy little op (besides the clover seeds all over the place, but dw I'm still picking basil seeds out my carpet lol)
Morning Medi,

clover to be for:
- reflecting light back to plant
- bounding nitrate in soil through roots
- provides N to medium
- supports organic proceedings in medium
- after dying and reproducing it delivers organic compost and lots more...full organic way.
What brand Lux meter you got @TheMongol ? And do you like it?
I'm sure you'll have better luck with the clover this time. If you have some fine vermiculite to sprinkle or any light media that will help hold seeds in place for watering and cover a little. This girl doesn't want to give ya bad advice! Hate to bring bad news but you won't grow much on your floor my man.... :crying:
Looking good can't wait to see the gals take off :biggrin:
Haha:coffee:me looked at the lux meter, but no brand printed on it:shrug:But yes i like it and it was a cheap one from Amazon, i think it was at 39.90 here..
Haha:coffee:me looked at the lux meter, but no brand printed on it:shrug:But yes i like it and it was a cheap one from Amazon, i think it was at 39.90 here..

Must be "cost effective" if they don't even want to tell you who made it! I looked at a couple round the $100 mark because I have some colored LED's but I'm tempted to just get one as most of my lights are white. If you are happy with it at that price point I may as well grab one like it for now.
Clover is great to "fix" N, have you tried mycorrhiza in your organic grows? I've used it in anything involving soil and it's pretty nifty.
Must be "cost effective" if they don't even want to tell you who made it! I looked at a couple round the $100 mark because I have some colored LED's but I'm tempted to just get one as most of my lights are white. If you are happy with it at that price point I may as well grab one like it for now.
Clover is great to "fix" N, have you tried mycorrhiza in your organic grows? I've used it in anything involving soil and it's pretty nifty.
Yes ma Lady!:pass: from zero to great results:crying: first time i used it me wasted a complete grow, didn't understand why i got a runoff from 8.5-9.7 ec/ppm:crying: and plants flowered, but did only supply buds ( i couldn't even call em buds ) from the size of rice.....long grain rice:rofl:

The supersoil [HASHTAG]#Flo[/HASHTAG] i'm using is already enriched with shrooms and before i used TNC mycorrhiza ( best on market ) also Slater using the TNC line in a current grow:pighug:
After 24 hours re-charged with clover yesterday evening me noticed soil n coco lifted up a bit, that's a sign beneath is happening something and after a none counted spray, spray and spray today and 48 hours later first results can be seen....

Also after 1 week transplanted girlies gaining up size and soon i'm there where i want to be....

3 plants catched up their calmag issues and now new fans look like i'm used to, archie knows it, but all the others ever seen such green/white veins or branches?




And new seedlings for another tent...

Happy growing AFN!
Long grain rice, that's a new one to hear! :crying: I've had more than my share of flubs, mistakes and general mishaps in the grow room..
Good you had results that worked using the beneficial fungi etc, and that your clover is up this time.
Those new leaves look super healthy and strong, I don't see any issues; the white looks like an abundance of the little hairs, maybe just a hairy lady like ya got in Europe :eyebrows: :rofl:
Seriously tho I've seen it often. Tomentose stems etc. not hairy ladies :biggrin: